The current network has 161 kilometers and 10 metro and tram lines that connect Valencia with 35 other municipalities, making the Metrovalencia network the best option to access the city.

So the planned service includes 120 consecutive hours of trains and trams running continuously to facilitate access to the main points of interest of the festival.

Furthermore, on the two weekends in March prior to the main days of Fallas, FGV has planned reinforcements at midday for the mascletaes, which will also be offered during the main days of the festivities, in addition to the extension at night, taking as a reference night service prior to the pandemic.

FGV estimates that this year it will reach 2.5 million trips on the main days of Fallas, since in 2022 there will be more than 2.3 million users, between March 15 and 20.

FGV also reinforces its attention to travelers with the incorporation of more than 100 customer service agents at stations and a considerable increase in the number of security personnel.

The Customer Centers in Colón, Alicante and Xàtiva, the Customer Service Centers (CAC) of the Metrovalencia network (Benimamet and Airport) and the Customer Points (Empalme, Àngel Guimerà, Mislata) will be open to inform users , with special hours according to the day and the center.

For its part, the information telephone number (900 46 10 46) will be available 24 hours a day on the main Fallas days. In addition, schedules are available at stations,, and more information is offered from the official app.

In addition to the personnel effort made by FGV, there is the support and collaboration of the members of the different State Security Corps and Forces, carrying out coordination between the different devices of each entity or institution, as is done in all years, so that the Fallas are celebrated within the safest environment possible.

In Fallas, it must be taken into account that, for security reasons, the Xàtiva and Colón stations will remain closed from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. on March 16, 17, 18 and 19. It is recommended on those days and at those times that the facilities of Àngel Guimerà, Plaça Espanya, Alameda and Bailén be used, depending on the origins of the trips.

As an additional recommendation, remember that access with balloons, pyrotechnic material, bicycles and scooters is prohibited from March 15 to 20.

In 2024, the Generalitat has maintained the advantages intended to encourage the use of regional public transport services, so the 50% reduction in the price of multi-trip tickets and tickets will be maintained until July 31, 2024 and free For young people up to 31 years old it will be valid until December 31.

With these advantages, these Fallas are more economical to travel by metro and other means of public transport.

Metrovalencia offers free of charge, thanks to the Parking Metro (P M) system, a total of 1,439 parking spaces distributed in the stations of Llíria (41), Pobla de Vallbona (40), Eliana (39), Massarrojos (62) , Rocafort (54), Empalme (40), Seminari – CEU (48), Fuente del Jarro (52), Bétera (60), Font Almaguer (42), Valencia Sud (590), San Ramón (3), La Presa (123), Masia de Traver (198) and Riba-roja de Túria (47).

In addition, we must add the 50 places put into service by the Paiporta City Council; 23 from Paterna; the 115 of Sant Isidre; the 30 of Benaguassil 1º; the 562 of Quart de Poblet; the 133 in Santa Rita and the 250 in Burjassot, which add up to another 1,163 spaces, all of them in the vicinity of the aforementioned stations and stops.

With this service, FGV wants to promote the use of public transport through intermodality and the exchange of private vehicles with the metro, facilitating access to the Metrovalencia network for all those users who do not have a nearby metro stop, also contributing to to the decongestion of road traffic on the surface and to care for the environment.

In addition, the Empalme, Torrent Avinguda, Alboraya-Peris Aragó and Quart de Poblet stations have closed bicycle parking.