In the 33rd week of pregnancy, the baby already takes up so much space that it is increasingly difficult for him to move. Many are already placed in the cephalic position – with their heads down – while others may not turn around before delivery and come breech. In either case, they continue to move their limbs and may change position suddenly.
Regarding the mother’s body, discomfort in the back increases, especially in the lower back. In fact, it is very common to suffer from sciatica at this stage of pregnancy. You’ll need to stay alert to differentiate Braxton Hicks contractions from real ones, which could herald early labor.
At week 33 of gestation, the fetus measures between 43 and 44 centimeters and weighs around two kilos. If we compare it to the size of a vegetable, it is similar to a cabbage or a pineapple. His bones are hardening, except for the skull. This will remain soft to come out more easily through the birth canal, which causes the fontanelle on its head, with holes that will close in its first two years of life.
His brain is already very mature, as well as his senses. His organs are also almost fully developed, save for his lungs, which produce surfactant at an accelerated rate so that he can breathe on his own at birth.
The little one’s digestive system already fulfills an important function. The baby swallows amniotic fluid, which passes into his stomach and intestines. This will turn into meconium, waste that accumulates in your colon and will expel when you are born.
The most common and pressing symptom in the 33rd week of pregnancy for the mother is pain in the lower back, which extends to the buttocks and legs. Sciatica is due to the pronounced curve of the back. You can relieve it with massages, applying heat, stretching, or doing moderate exercise such as Pilates or yoga, always with the authorization of your doctor.
Also, the growth of the belly and breasts translates into more itchy skin. Remember to stay hydrated by drinking enough water and applying cream, which will help not only relieve discomfort, but also prevent stretch marks from appearing.
The pressure of the uterus on the veins can cause swelling in the legs, and this same pressure on the nerves in the hands and wrists sometimes leads to carpal tunnel syndrome. The symptoms subside after delivery, but do not hesitate to consult your doctor so that he can tell you how to alleviate it.
Finally, between weeks 33 and 37 of pregnancy, the analysis of the third trimester is performed. In it, among other issues, it will be checked if the mother suffers from anemia, in which case supplementation would be necessary to increase iron levels.