The Fundació Épica, which collects the legacy of the Fura dels Baus, turns five and celebrates it with a new space in a location in the port of Badalona. A research center and “hybridization between science and technology”, as defined by the president of the entity, Pep Gatell, during his presentation.

The new knowledge center combines science, art and technology, with the aim of “scientifying art” as Gatell declared, collaborating with leading international scientists to achieve a pre-eminent position on the border between art and science. To this end, the new facilities will host projects by national and international residents, offering multidisciplinary professionals an environment for experimentation with innovative technologies, which, as those attending the presentation of the new headquarters were able to experience live, range from neuroscience to biomedicine.

The collaboration between artists and researchers and scientists, supposes a feedback system for all participants. “The Epica Foundation allows us to experience what cannot be done in the laboratory” exemplified Lluís Fuentemilla, researcher at the Biomedical Research Institute of Bellvitge and the University of Barcelona.

Up to now, artistic and technological experiments have brought fruit both for research and for new ways of creating art. La Fura works with some of the most important international centers such as the Center National de la Recherche Scientifique in France and nationally such as the Institut de Recerca Germans Trias i Pujol, the University of Barcelona or the Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology, in which they continue to process the data obtained from the different experiments carried out.

Investigating in the field of science, art and technology has positioned the Foundation in the Center for Creation of the Generalitat de Catalunya, as a pioneer research center in all three sections. All this generates alliances and links with international projects and initiatives that are aligned with the R D I strategy of the Fura dels Baus.