The Government’s latest decisions regarding the drought and the restructuring of the Mossos d’Esquadra, among others, have provoked the irritation of the main opposition groups in Parliament, who denounce the “contempt” of the Executive of Pere Aragonès towards the Parliament, its “opacity” and “lack of dialogue, consensus and agreement”.
These two decrees (that of the Mossos has recently been approved by the Minister of the Interior Joan Ignasi Elena), will focus a good part of the plenary session of the Catalan Chamber that begins this Tuesday, especially the one that intends to fight against the drought, that it is scheduled to be voted on Wednesday and that some groups, such as the common ones, want it to be processed as a bill.
But the focus is also on the decree for the internal restructuring of the Catalan police, which, although it is not subject to a parliamentary vote, will surely lead the questions of the control session to the Executive. In this area, PSC, Junts y comunes coincide in denouncing the drift of the Government in the minority of ERC despite already having the disapproval of Minister Elena.
To the complaints of the socialists launched this Monday, denouncing an “abuse of their position” by the Government, those of the commons and Junts have joined. Those of Jéssica Albiach have lamented that the recently approved decree “is a new sample of the ERC’s way of governing”, of “lack of dialogue, of the capacity for consensus and agreement”. In fact, the commons have announced that they will request the appearance of Elena in the Catalan Chamber and consider the general rejection that she has “symptomatic” caused the decree between the police unions. “It is not only in the Interior, the Government is little used to dialogue and negotiate and agree,” spokesman David Cid lamented.
The parliamentary group of the PSC-Units plans to question the minister on this matter and plans to present a questioning for the next plenary session that would give rise to a motion demanding the withdrawal of the decree, which would be put to a vote in the following plenary session. The Socialists consider that this parliamentary route is more agile than the request to appear that the commons want, especially taking into account that the minister already has a few pending in the Interior commission.
From Junts, which until now had not ruled on the controversial restructuring, they are more prudent, perhaps because the director of Mossos, Pere Ferrer, was appointed by the post-convergents. Even so, the group’s spokesperson, Mònica Sales, regretted that the Government approved the decree “without the unions or the groups having prior information.” Sales has also criticized Elena, of whom he has said that “it is not surprising that it is said that he is the worst Minister of the Interior in history, the one who negotiates the least and the one who imposes the most”, and recalled that he has already been disapproved by the Parliament, despite which “it does not change the course”.
The drought decree is the other target of criticism from the opposition. The commons have lamented that “it falls short and arrives late” and calls, like the CUP, to reopen debates on the plan, especially in relation to infrastructures that require a great deal of water, such as golf courses or cruise ships. “Yes – to the decree – is ruled out” and “the Government deserves a wake-up call because there has been no dialogue or planning,” Cid denounced.
The Socialists have also been very critical of a decree that they consider “sanctions” -to the municipalities- instead of “investments”. The leader of the PSC, Salvador Illa, sent a letter last week offering to negotiate the decree before approving it, however it does not appear that the request has had any effect. Once again, the Socialists have missed a minimum dialogue or consensus on this matter, especially taking into account the support that ERC has in Parliament and Aragonès’s promise to convene a summit of parties on this matter.
Junts attached other folders to denounce the Government’s lack of dialogue, such as the “opacity and lack of transparency” with which, in his opinion, the Catalan Executive acts before the Parliament. Post-convergents complain about the delay or lack of response to many of their parliamentary questions. Sales has ensured that more than 36% of the questions registered by his group have been answered after the deadline or there has been no response. The spokeswoman has extended this way of “ignoring” and “disparaging” the Parliament to the fact that the Government continues to insist on issues such as the clarity agreement or the universal basic income despite the fact that they have been rejected by the Catalan Chamber.