The PP would have liked to tiptoe through the debate on Vox’s second motion of no confidence, but the silence that Alberto Núñez Feijóo maintained throughout the day yesterday, who took refuge in the Swedish embassy while the extreme right and the PSOE put a cross on it for lack of attendance, it was broken today by Cuca Gamarra, who has accused the formation of Santiago Abascal of “giving” Pedro Sánchez a parliamentary victory with which the president can “exhibit” an image of ” unity” of a government that is “divided.

With his leader, who could have attended the debate due to his status as a senator, although without speaking, again absent, this time in Brussels, where he plans to meet with the president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, The number two and parliamentary spokesperson for the PP has been in charge of defending the abstention of her group, which has argued for the “respect” that Ramón Tamames, whose career during the transition, deserves for the popular supporters, for his contribution to the “constitutional consensus “, he praised.

Gamarra has defended this position as “congruent” and has recalled that the PSOE also abstained in the motion of censure presented by Pablo Iglesias against Mariano Rajoy. However, the spokeswoman has indicated that the candidate is “inadequate” and has rejected all responsibility of the PP in the “theater” that is taking place in Congress. “This is not our motion and this is not our government,” exclaimed Gamarra, who has claimed to be unaware of the “block policy” in which she sees Vox, on the one hand, and the coalition government, on the other.

Faced with this situation, the PP spokeswoman has proclaimed that hers is a party “without ties” or “commitments outside” her “ideology”, which is why she “follows her own path” and can distance herself from a motion of censure that has described as “idle” and “extemporaneous”.

“We are not going to participate in an initiative defeated beforehand,” said the popular spokesperson, who regretted that Tamames has been “used in this way” and has charged against the other political forces for the “performance” they have staged , in his opinion, in the Chamber, which should be used to “defend the Spanish” and not to “manufacture adulterated stories” for the “personal promotion” of some political leaders, among whom he has also included the vice president Yolanda Díaz, described as an “advanced student of Pablo Iglesias” and “white label of Pedro Sánchez”.

After claiming Feijóo’s PP project as the political expression of the “moderate majority of Spaniards”, Gamarra has been very harsh in the terms that he has addressed to the Prime Minister, on whom he has concentrated his invective by accusing him of being in hands of the independentistas and their “political henchmen”. For the popular, Sánchez presides over a government that is united only by “the perks and privileges” of his ministers, who make up one of the “most cainite and unstable” coalitions in the European Union.

In this sense, the general secretary of the PP has reviewed in a long string of reproaches the “apotheosis of mismanagement” of the Spanish Government, with a sharp note on the Tito Berni case included, and has referred to the “innumerable” causes for which its president “deserves” censure, but has postponed it to the opinion of the polls, in which the Spaniards, as he has affirmed, will have the opportunity to put an end to an “agonic” Executive opting for the “alternative” that represents Feijóo, whose leading role in the debate, despite his absence, Gamarra has highlighted: “He is appointed more than Sánchez, because they already see him more as president than him,” he stated.

In statements to the media, the parliamentary spokesperson for the main opposition party had already advanced yesterday the foundations of her speech, referring to the “attacks” that both Abascal and Sánchez have directed at Feijóo due to his absence in Congress, a fact which, in his opinion, shows “how nervous” Vox and the PSOE are due to the “equidistance” in which the PP has settled, which is “comfortable”, according to what he said, in the “centrality” of the new conservative leader .