Want to know once and for all the difference between Twitter and Instagram? Try to say for the first that he is willing to pay anything to have a cold cocoa while walking around the capital of Bolivia and then comment on the second. Do it like the former vice-president of the Government Jordi Puigneró and you will see that many in the Musk network will wish him to rot like the motion of censure of Vox; in Zuckerberg’s, on the other hand, they will adore him more than a spoon at Gavi after helping Ceballos enter the subway car with a push.

It is also not the same to realize through one channel or the other that Rosalía has stripped herself emotionally in an interview, with Rauw Alejandro, who made them Ibai Llanos in the kitchen of the streamer’s home.

If you retrieve the conversation on YouTube, you will find it difficult to find any negative input away from “I love them very much”, “what a wonder”. Rosalía’s happiness lies in Alejandro. He will release three songs with him tomorrow. It’s the excuse for the interview. But in the network of the blue bird there are those who even try that the artist touches the ground: “Rosalía will have her heart broken so much that I can’t even imagine what the post-rupture album will be like”; “At 30 years old there is a lot to learn. There will be time to lose your faith, your loved ones, your partner, your car, your house, your friends…”

There are offensive ones, few, but these two are still nice comments and motivated by the singer’s attitude in the interview: laughing and delighted with her partner. Full of candor. So much so, that he comes to say to Rauw: “I had lost faith in masculinity, but I got to know you and that changed”. Also: “The men I had around me were emotionally unavailable. With you it was the first time I didn’t feel that. I felt that you were not afraid to love and be loved”. Kiss on the spot. The Puerto Rican rightly says that Rosalía “is intense”.

Sant Esteve Sesrovires controls all the networks. He laughs, he dances, he shows himself without gimmicks, he responds to the fans. It practically breaks the maxim of the beginning: that it is not indifferent where things are said and that if you do it on Twitter any of them can be used against you. But Rosalía knows and can drink a chocolate wherever she likes.

With Puigneró it is different. Modulates content and language according to the network. But he doesn’t control them (or doesn’t want to control them) and has sometimes turned his trip to Peru and Bolivia into a barrage of tweets against “the Spanish”, which has earned him more than one criticism for being “childish”. A few comments, however, that reduces to a minimum on his Instagram.