We are going to explain how to sign a document with a digital certificate, an increasingly common operation when it comes to dealing with the Public Administration. First of all, we are going to define what the digital certificate is and how you can get it.

A digital certificate is an electronic file that contains information about a person’s identity. It is used precisely to certify the authenticity of someone’s identity for bureaucratic and telematic purposes.

There are two types of digital certificate: the one that includes the chip of your electronic DNI and the one issued by the Fábrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre. In this case we are going to refer to the latter and all the information to request it, if you still do not have yours, you can consult it on this website.

Currently, the digital certificate can be used for a wide variety of operations, from signing the Treasury draft to consulting the points we have on the card, going through the payment of taxes, consultation of census data, downloading the work life… In short , it is a personal and non-transferable certificate that is installed in the browser of your computer and greatly facilitates any bureaucratic procedure with the administration.

Signing a document using the digital certificate is very easy to do, but first you must have the digital certificate installed in your browser, be it Chrome, Edge or Firefox. Previously, you will have had to make an appointment at the office corresponding to your city where you were provided with said certificate.

Once you have installed the corresponding digital certificate on your computer, all you have to do is enter the corresponding operation. For example, imagine that you want to download your work life using the digital certificate that you have installed on your PC. In this case, all you have to do is enter this link and click on ‘Check work history’. If you have the certificate correctly installed on your computer, the browser will automatically detect it and a pop-up window will appear with the certificate data. You only have to click on the window and that’s it, you will have the document downloaded to your computer in a matter of seconds.

It can be a bit lazy to carry out the procedures to obtain the digital certificate, but then the reward is great. In addition, all self-employed workers should have this document installed on their computer, as well as give their advisors permission to trade on their behalf.