The Government of the Generalitat has presented this Friday the largest ordinary public employment offer of the last decade, with 14,028 places for this 2023. Almost half of the new places, a total of 6,211, are for the health system.

The number of positions in the offer, presented at the General Board of Public Employees, implies a replacement rate of 5,787 positions, the result of the difference between registrations and cancellations. In addition, there are 7,901 that correspond to a specific rate for the reduction of structural temporary employment, provided for in the General State Budget Law for the year 2023. The objective is to reduce the temporary employment rate in the Administration below 8%.

The Government plans to approve the measure in the coming weeks. As reported by the Department of the Presidency, this offer is aimed at covering priority needs at this time: advancing in the reduction of the structural temporary index in public employment, the modernization of the workforce and the reinforcement of those sectors considered essential .

Specifically, this year 6,211 statutory staff positions will be added to the Catalan Health Institute (ICS); 3,988 for teaching staff; 893 for the Mossos d’Esquadra; 279 for firefighters; 100 for Rural Agents; 66 to the staff of the penitentiary administration and 2,591 for the administration and services.

The ordinary public job offer provides for this year a reserve of 7% of the total places for disabled people with the following distribution: 2% for intellectual disabilities, and 5% for any other type of disability.