Antena 3 broadcast a new installment of Tu cara me suena on Friday night. In gala 2, the contestants have faced new imitation challenges, which have raised the edition to a higher level, after last week Andrea Guasch carried out one of the best imitations in the history of the contest.

In all the editions we have been able to see how gala after gala a very special guest came to perform an imitation without any kind of pressure. On this occasion, the guest of the night was Samantha Hudson.

The actress and singer came to the program with great enthusiasm but she also had a great challenge ahead of her, she had to imitate Luis Mariano, one of the best tenors in the Spanish music industry. The young woman has been revolutionizing social networks for years, a world far removed from music. ”She has a tone of voice very similar to mine,” she would say. ”People have never really seen me do anything. Samantha exists as an abstract concept and today she is going to materialize ”, she confessed.

For this reason, Samantha Hudson after her performance has left all the judges and attendees speechless. And it is that the influencer has shown on the set of Your face sounds to me that she has a great voice and that she could face any performance she wanted.

The four members of the jury were speechless after seeing Samantha Hudson’s performance. ”But what a voice you’ve got, it’s been marvelous, in tune, we love you here,” said Manel Fuentes.

That is why they agreed to ask the guest for something. Lolita, Chenoa Carlos Latre and Ángel Llácer picked up several bouquets of violets and, kneeling down, asked the actress to be a contestant in the next edition of the contest. ”I would love for you to come to Your face sounds like 11”, asked Ángel Llácer. ”Honestly, I don’t know, yes, man,” she said delightedly.