There are children who behave almost like little angels, then there are others that are more mischievous and some are disobedient from time to time. But between a child or adolescent with a tendency to rebellion and one with the emperor syndrome there is a big difference.

It’s not about kids who don’t want to eat their vegetables or a teenager who comes home later than their scheduled time. We are talking about challenging behavior taken to the extreme, with a total lack of empathy and a complete disregard for the rules.

There are many factors behind the development of the emperor syndrome. Knowing its symptoms and causes is essential in order to try to remedy it as soon as possible. Generally it will even be necessary to go to a child psychologist to guide the process.

Emperor syndrome is also known as child king or child tyrant syndrome. It can affect children from a very early age and also adolescents, and may have repercussions in their adult life if it is not solved in time. It refers to children or young people with challenging and disobedient behaviors constantly and taken to the extreme.

Those who present the emperor syndrome do not respect the authority of their superiors –generally parents, but also grandparents or teachers–, they lack empathy and do not care about the feelings of others or the consequences of their actions. They have a low tolerance for frustration, becoming excessively angry if they don’t get what they want immediately.

The most significant nuance that differentiates the emperor syndrome from a simply capricious child is that those with this disorder have a certain power, authority and abuse over their parents. In the most serious cases, they can even mistreat them verbally, psychologically or physically.

Emperor syndrome may be due to genetic factors, where the person has a biological predisposition towards this behavior and extrapolates it to any area of ​​their life. Apart from this, it can also originate as a result of educational, social and environmental factors.

If all the whims of the child are indulged, rules and consistent education are not set for them, they do not learn from an early age the value of things or that they must strive to obtain certain results and they do not receive consequences such as punishments or reprimands for their bad behavior, it is You will likely end up developing Emperor Syndrome to a greater or lesser extent. Growing up in an unstructured home or with bad references, be it in their family, in the environment or, for example, on television, also influence their development.