Magda Oranich, a militant and president of the internal guarantee body of Junts per Catalunya, has demanded this Saturday that her party propose a new candidacy to preside over the Parliament of Catalonia and that “political and institutional life return to functioning normally”. Furthermore, as she did yesterday, she has reiterated that if she were in the position of Laura Borràs she would resign. “As a citizen, I ask that this interim period be over,” she stressed.

The lawyer, with a recognized career and a past in politics, in statements to Catalunya Ràdio has once again expressed her doubts about whether the case of Laura Borràs is part of the lawfare that she denounces, and has regretted that for giving her opinion in public she receives insults from the followers of the president of the formation, who this week was sentenced to four and a half years in prison and 13 years of disqualification for irregularities when she directed the Institució de les Lletres Catalanes, between 2013 and 2014.

“It is difficult to answer, each answer is 1,000 insults from his followers on Twitter. At the beginning it was not like that. I don’t know if after seeing his name the process was more important,” he said when asked if he considers it a cause of lawfare. “I dare not say it, I already have my personal criteria, they have already insulted me enough. They are always the same, from anonymity. Mr. Francesc Dalmases says a few things, that they have to incapacitate me and others. With another name ” , added later.

“It may be that because she is she, more has been done. But nobody was persecuting Mrs. Borràs, when investigating a boy who had drug trafficking and other crimes, the emails came out and everything came out. If they have gone further or not, I do not know I know. But having it [crime], there is,” Oranich has sentenced.

Likewise, he has explained that prevarication and documentary falsification “are crimes that have nothing to do with political persecution” and that “they are common crimes and the sentence is well written.” “It is not to split, it is because documents were falsified,” continued the lawyer and feminist, who believes that “that there was a crime is very clear” and that “the trial has been carried out relatively normally.” “The agreements with the prosecution are absolutely current and normal,” she concluded.

On the bulk of the sentence and the fact that the Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia (TSJC) itself requests a partial pardon, the lawyer has stressed that “falsifications are very punished in the Penal Code”, “Too much”, has judged . “It’s nothing strange,” she said in relation to the magistrates’ request for pardon.

The Junts leader has also regretted the criticism she receives for her opinions. “You have to put up with the downpour no matter what. If matters involving this lady [Borràs] or Mr. Francesc Dalmases come to the guarantees committee, I will stay away from the subject. You do things, speak clearly, with all sincerity, as you have done all the time. life, and it’s not pleasant the next day when everyone tells you that you’re being insulted,” said Oranich. “It’s a bit scary to people who disagree with what she and hers say. I don’t think it can work like this for a long time,” she assessed. “Precisely, on behalf of her group, if you don’t think the same, you are massacred,” he added later.

“The discrepancies are healthy, the problem is a sentence, because we receive what we think. There has been someone with a serious criminal and criminal problem and that is the problem, not who thinks about the situation,” Oranich complained, who heads a body that must position itself on the situation of Laura Borràs if there is a final conviction, although the final decision on whether or not to expel her from the party will be the responsibility of the executive.

Oranich has already distanced himself from the presidency of his formation on more than one occasion and had a public confrontation with her a few months ago, when she prepared a report on Dalmases for his incident with a TV3 journalist. His verdict and the subsequent complaints were decisive for Dalmases, Borràs’ right-hand man, to end up resigning as vice president of the party. Borràs did not like the content of the report, and he expressed it publicly. Oranich, for his part, denounced pressure from the top leader.

The future of Borràs in Junts, however, will not be addressed for now and the general secretary, Jordi Turull, has accepted the speech of the president of the formation that it is a cause with lawfare, although in the party leadership there are discrepancies in this regard and not everyone sees it that way and in the more pragmatic wing they hope that after the municipal elections there will be some movement.