From last Friday until April 10, 16 million trips are expected to be made on Spanish roads. That is why the General Directorate of Traffic (DGT), together with other regional bodies such as the Servei Català de Trànsit (SCT), make real-time information on the state of the roads available to users of the road network.

The Special Traffic Operation for this holiday period, one of the most complicated of the year on the roads due to the number of trips that occur in such a short period of time, takes place in two phases: the first, which will end at midnight On Sunday, April 2, 4.3 million movements are expected, while in the second, which will begin on Wednesday, April 5 and end on Monday, April 10, more than ten million movements will take place.

Traffic agencies warn about traffic problems and delays that may occur at the exits of large cities, as well as at the entrances to coastal tourist areas. In this sense, the DGT recommends planning the trip in advance by carrying out a complete set-up of the vehicle, avoiding as far as possible the most unfavorable days and hours and always looking for the best route to avoid unforeseen events, so consult maps of the state of the roads in real time can be a very useful tool for this purpose.

In addition to the information provided by Google Maps and applications such as Waze and SocialDrive, the DGT makes an interactive map available to users. This tool, accessible from the web and mobile devices, allows users to consult, among other information, where the most dangerous road sections are located, with traffic restrictions and accidents that hinder mobility.

It also allows you to check the forecasts for the next few days to anticipate if there will be works or other events on our route. In the page menu, you can select the province, the town and the roads on which the query will be made. One of the most striking functions offered by the DGT map is the one related to traffic cameras. By clicking on the corresponding icon, you can access the images in real time to check first-hand the state of circulation.

In addition to the DGT map, there are other similar tools that have been made available by some regional or municipal bodies to check traffic. This is the case of the map of the Servei Català de Trànsit (SCT), in Catalonia, and the Informo portal of the Madrid City Council.

Regarding the first of these tools, the continuous traffic map of the SCT offers detailed information on the state of traffic, retentions or works in a certain section of the network and special traffic measures or adverse weather events that may affect traffic.

On the mobility map of the city of Madrid, the user will be able to find out about both planned and detected incidents in real time, as well as visualize the state of traffic through cameras, have detailed information on the intensity of traffic and the location of the devices that automatically detect violations for passing the stop line of a traffic light during the red phase.