The same sentence which, appealed before higher judicial bodies, “will be annulled” in the future, allows the present “restoration” of the presidency of the Parliament to Laura Borràs, sentenced by the TSJC to four and a half years in prison and thirteen disqualification for embezzlement and falsification of documents.

For Junts, aside from this argumentative paradox, it has been proven that there was no profit of any kind, and also no harm to the administration in the management of a public body that its president did, reason for which yesterday she presented a letter to the Bureau to revoke the agreement of July 2022 by which Borràs was suspended as deputy.

If the article of the regulation on which that decision was based, 25.4, is “illegal, unconstitutional and has been questioned by several international bodies”, as Cuevillas alleged, it is because it has allowed a case of political persecution or “manual” lawfare, but, in addition, the TSJC has “explicitly” ruled out, on page 105 of the condemnation letter, specified the deputy and lawyer, that Borràs profited personally from the fragmentation of contracts in favor of the his friend Isaías Herrero, who worked even below market prices.

This is how things are, for Madaula and Cuevillas, tenacious advocates of Borràs, who assured yesterday in their unexpected appearance that they have the support of the general secretary of Junts, Jordi Turull, and the president of the parliamentary group, Albert Batet. However, Junts sources point out that it was initially claimed that it was the parliamentary group that asked to revoke the suspension of Borràs, a request that Turull and Batet refused.

At a time when the different groups are looking for a way to return to normality in Parliament and to put an end to the long interim that has resulted in the suspension of Borràs, the formula of the PSC, which has proposed a reform of the regulations to be able to dismiss members of the Bureau, was harshly rejected by the Junts deputies.

After admitting that he had not been able to read the socialist proposal, Madaula rejected it and described it as “an example of the political persecution” he denounces, and asked why if the regulations have not yet been modified to ” adapt it to the 21st century”, the PSC, the party that held responsibility for the “interimity” of a Catalan Chamber “closed by article 155” of the Spanish Constitution, now intends to do so ad .