In addition to being one of the longest-running cartoon series on television thanks to its more than 30 years on the air, The Simpsons and its friendly yellow family have conquered millions of fans around the world, anticipating events that have often ended up becoming in prophecy.

From the Game of Thrones ending, to Trump’s rise to the presidency, and even the coronavirus pandemic. However, this last prophecy nobody saw it coming and it has to do with Holy Week in Spain.

The prediction. On this occasion they have predicted a collection of chromes from the Semana Santa de Seville. For this, they used a satire in which young Bart, Milhouse and Nelson appeared with some chromes of St. Joseph of Arimathea and Methuselah at a stop that Nerd Flanders had prepared.

A fragment of the series that has been recovered after the video of some children in Seville going viral on TikTok collecting stickers with images of Holy Week during these festive days.

“We no longer do soccer, now we do Easter”, can be heard in the video where two children from Seville show their new favorite pastime on camera: collectible cards where images of brotherhoods appear.

The collection. But not only that, in the video that has gone viral, the children appear opening an envelope with different images of the Easter brotherhoods, including: ‘Santa Genoveva’, ‘Santa Marta’, ‘Veracruz’, ‘Las Penas ‘, ‘The Waters’ or ‘The Museum’.

Top comments. A new pastime that has gone viral with more than a million and a half visits and all kinds of reactions about it: “The normality with which he says ‘the donkey didn’t have it'”, “Jesus, 30 damage points, 40 defense, 70 life. Special ability: 4 defense points against nails. Passive: after 3 rounds, if the card has no life points, they will be restored, if on the contrary it does, it will get 5 points of damage”, “They are children, some collect trading cards of storybook characters and others from Pokemon… each one what they want…”, “Ah, cards of imaginary beings, like those of Pokémon”, “Let’s see, it is an ingenious way for children to know the headlines of brotherhoods and Seville is the perfect place for it” or “If any kid has the Adam full art Rainbow, I’ll exchange it for the Judas V astro”, have been some of the most popular reactions.