The 2022 income statement campaign starts this Tuesday, April 11, with the dates clearly marked on the calendar and millions of Spaniards called to account. The annual procedure with the Tax Agency will last a couple of months, until the end of June.

Although the general advice is to comply with the Treasury as soon as possible to have room if errors arise, many get carried away and wait until the last few days to settle the declaration. For the clueless and those who are always in a hurry, this year until when can the liquidation be presented?

Reviewing the most outstanding days that this 2022 income campaign will have, since March you can already request the reference number and access the tax data. On April 11 comes the starting gun, with the start of the campaign and the possibility of presenting the declaration online. Throughout May there will be several key days, such as May 3, when the period opens to request an appointment to be attended by phone; on May 5, when the telephone service begins to prepare and present the declaration; and on May 25, the start of the period to request an appointment for face-to-face care in offices.

Moving on to June, on the 1st the face-to-face service in offices begins, June 27 is the deadline for direct debit of income to enter and on June 29 the prior application programs end, both to be attended by telephone and in the offices of the Tax Agency.

A day later the campaign closes. The income statement may be submitted until that same June 30, when the 2022 personal income tax settlement will close. Again, the advice that is usually repeated is not to rush until the last hours, since in case of failures in the declaration there will be a minimum margin to make any rectification.