Barcelona City Council has approved the redevelopment project around five schools and five “eco-chamfers” on Carrer Aragó, with works that will begin in June and have a budget of 700,000 euros.

These are projects chosen and voted on by the citizens, included in the Participatory Budget program and which are spread over the districts of Ciutat Vella, Eixample, Les Corts and Sant Martí, the consistory reported in a statement this Sunday.

The redevelopment of the surroundings of the five schools will consist of structural or tactical expansion actions, and street furniture, playable elements and planters will be incorporated.

Specifically, they will be held at the Pere IV school and the Quatre Cantons Institute, in Sant Martí; in the Collaso i Gil school, in Ciutat Vella; in the Duran i Bas school, in Les Corts, and in the Joan Miró school, in the Eixample.

On the other hand, the five “ecochamfers” of Aragó street will involve tactical urban planning interventions so that people recover the spaces now occupied by vehicles, turning it into a friendlier, quieter and greener street.

Concretely, it will be realized in the chamfers of Aragó and Entença streets; Aragon and Viladomat; Aragon and Count of Urgell; Aragon and Bruc, and Aragon and Naples.