A simple but efficient habit with which we maintain the hygiene of our home is to clean our shoes on the doormat before entering the house. Likewise, many people have established the norm that in their home they must go either barefoot or in indoor slippers. But… what about the paws of our dogs?

On social networks there are several viral videos of people who have taught their dog to clean their paws on the mat, but in addition to being a difficult training to achieve, this is not entirely effective. Not to mention that the bristles are very hard and could damage your pads. In any case, we must not neglect the hygiene of their paws, especially when we return from the walk.

The dog’s paws are in direct contact with the ground and all its pertinent dirt. Both on asphalt and in green areas, where they are stained with dirt, mud and grass. In addition, in their eagerness to sniff everything around them, they often step on other dogs’ urine and even feces that other owners have not picked up.

All this dirt is impregnated in his pads and he takes it home with him. One of the consequences is that they will stain the floor, as well as carpets, sofas and the bed if you let him get on and also his own bed. And this not only means that you will leave the trail of your dirty footprints, but also that bacteria will proliferate, which increases the risk of contracting certain diseases or allergies, both for animals and humans who live in the house, especially small children. They crawl and put their hands to their mouths.

Another important reason to clean your dog’s paws after the walk is to check that no branch, spikes or thorns, glass or any other external agent has been stuck. At the same time you can check if any injuries have been made.

Finally, on the street, some substances proliferate that can be toxic to your dog, either by contact with the skin of the paws or by licking them afterwards. For example, cleaning products, defroster or salt when it is freezing or snowing, food that someone has dropped, car oil, etc.

To clean their paws, it is not necessary that you wash them in the shower with soap and water every time you return from the walk. In addition to being a cumbersome process, abusing the bath is harmful to your skin. Instead, you can opt for disinfectant wipes suitable for pets, as these are respectful of their delicate pH. You will find them at the vet or any specialty pet store. And you can also use them to clean his muzzle if it gets dirty.

On the other hand, there are specific paw cleaners on the market. They consist of a kind of tube inside which there are silicone bristles. The container is filled with water and the animal’s legs are introduced, rubbing a little with the interior bristles. Then, their legs are dried well and that’s it.