Our cat’s fur gives us clues about its state of health. Therefore, when the loss of mantle appears, it is a cause for concern, predicting that something is not right. It is important to differentiate between seasonal hair loss from generalized alopecia or the appearance of bald spots. The latter can occur for various reasons.

To prevent them, it is important to provide the animal with quality food, as well as to keep up with its deworming and take care of the hygiene of its environment. In spite of everything, any kitty, no matter how well cared for, is susceptible to presenting areas without hair. The place and shape of the bald spots, as well as the appearance of wounds, scales, itching and other symptoms, will be key to determining the reason. Next, we will see the most common reasons. Whatever the case, going to the vet as soon as possible is essential to remedy them.

Yes, cats also suffer from acne. It is an inflammatory problem that results in hair loss in localized areas. It is identified by the swelling of the chin area and the appearance of pimples and blackheads.

For its treatment, the vet can prescribe anti-inflammatories or antibiotics, as well as a disinfectant to eliminate excess sebum and thus prevent secondary infections.

Hormones directly interfere with the appearance of the kitten’s fur. Therefore, if you suffer drastic changes derived, for example, from sterilization or castration, or diseases such as thyroid, it is common for bald spots to appear in certain areas. Likewise, the stress produced by changes in your routine can lead to localized or generalized alopecia.

You should make sure that the area is not licked, as this could cause injuries or infections. In some cases it will be necessary to take medication. And if it is stress, it is imperative that you be as calm as possible and it may be necessary to ask for help from an ethologist or specialized educator.

This is one of the most common reasons for the appearance of bald spots in cats. Allergies to pollen, to some substances or materials, as well as to the bites of certain insects and parasites can cause allergies or dermatitis to your best cat friend. In addition, these allergies cause them to itch, so they scratch and lick themselves, worsening hair loss in many cases and even causing wounds.

Treatment will vary depending on the cause of the allergy or dermatitis. But it will also be essential to keep your deworming up to date, clean well the areas where the cat spends more time and keep it away from what causes the allergic reaction.

Ringworm is caused by a fungal infection that feeds on the keratin of the hair. It is especially prevalent in small cats, with low defenses, under stress or with poor hygiene. It is easy to identify because the bald spots also present inflammation in the skin, wounds and scabs. The veterinarian must evaluate the condition of the animal in order to guide the appropriate treatment.