“It is not good for the independence movement that it can be said that there is a case of corruption within it.” This is how the president of ERC, Oriol Junqueras, has pronounced himself in relation to the case of the leader of JxCat and suspended president of Parliament, Laura Borràs. In an interview with ACN, Junqueras has guaranteed that the Republicans do not want to “take advantage of the disagreement in Junts” to occupy the presidency of the chamber. ERC urges them to propose a candidate and warns that, if there is no agreement, there could be a president of the PSC. “Junts has no objection to giving presidencies to the PSC, as in the Barcelona Provincial Council, but ERC does not do this,” he pointed out. That is why he has said that through ERC there will be an understanding to relieve Borràs and that “it is only necessary for them to agree within Junts”.

Vox, Cs and PPC asked the Central Electoral Board (JEC) to order in the chamber the withdrawal of the seat in Borràs, although the TSJC ruling is not yet final. The Regulations of the Parliament establish that the seat is lost in the event of a final judicial sentence that annuls their election or proclamation, or if they are sentenced to a sentence of disqualification imposed by a final judicial sentence. However, in previous cases, such as that of the former president of the Generalitat Quim Torra or the former deputy of the CUP Pau Juvillà, the JEC has ordered in the Chamber the withdrawal of the seat without a final ruling, clinging to the Electoral Law (Loreg).

Junqueras has said that ERC will always defend the Regulation “as much as possible”, although he has recalled the precedents with Juvillà, for which the JEC ordered the withdrawal of his deputy act once he was disqualified by the TSJC for disobedience. “There is a way to solve it and that is that Junts decides to do it; this will save the party and the Parliament from this scenario,” he summarized. “The country needs a statesman, non-partisan attitude; hopefully in Junts there will be someone who thinks that way and gets to work to make it so.”

In fact, he believes that “it would not be good” if Jordi Turull’s formation gave up presenting a candidate to replace Borràs. In addition, he warns that if there is no agreement between the two pro-independence groups, the PSC could access the presidency of the chamber, a consequence that ERC wants to avoid. “For us it will not remain, it is only a decision by Junts. For ERC, the agreement will be there. It is not necessary for ERC and Junts to agree, it is only necessary for Junts to agree,” he summarized.

The ERC leader has remarked that Junts placed Borràs as president of the Chamber despite the fact that he was planning a case of alleged corruption over her. Republicans voted to make her president. For Junqueras, “it was not a bad decision” because then it was necessary “to have the institutions fully operational” and avoid going to a scenario of electoral repetition.