An accident involving four vehicles and no injuries causes up to three kilometers of delays on the AP-7 ROAD in Maçanet (Girona) towards Barcelona, ​​in the middle of the Holy Week return operation. Due to the accident, two lanes have been cut, the Catalan Traffic Service (SCT) has reported in a tweet picked up by Europa Press.

There are also delays in the AP-7, at the height of Santa Margarida and les Monjos (Barcelona); in the C-14, in Alcover (Tarragona); on the C-16, in Guardiola and Els Cercs (Barcelona), and on the C-65, in Llagostera (Girona).

A total of 285,000 vehicles, 47.6% of the 600,000 planned, have already returned, until 10:00 am today, to the Barcelona area in the Easter return operation, in which this Easter Monday, a holiday in Catalonia , it is expected that the AP-7 will be the road with the most retentions.

According to the Traffic forecast, the AP-7 could be the road with the most traffic jams throughout the day, which is why the C-32 has been established as an alternative road, which is free in its northern section. In fact, yesterday afternoon most of the traffic jams were concentrated on the AP-7 between Santa Maria de Palautordera and Sant Celoni, with 12 kilometres; Santa Margarida i Els Monjos and Santa Oliva, with 14 kilometers; and Fogars-Maçanet de la Selva, with 13.5 kilometers of traffic jams as a result of an accident without injuries.

In total, the AP-7 added more than forty kilometers of retention yesterday afternoon at the start of the return operation for the Easter holidays.

During Holy Week last year, on Easter Monday, at 2:00 p.m., some 125 kilometers of traffic jams accumulated on the entire Catalan road network.