41.32% of the people who have participated to date in the electoral interactive of Public Affairs Experts for La Vanguardia share the statement that in recent years Barcelona has lost in aspects such as design and security, that the city is dirtier and that, consequently, the current perception of citizen insecurity must be reversed. The above appreciation is also shared to a different extent by residents in all districts of the city.

The section that the questionnaire on the municipal elections on May 28 dedicates to the city model reveals, on the other hand, that only 14 percent of those surveyed agree with the statement that Barcelona has a model of transformation and a change that places it at a level comparable to that of large European cities. This positive assessment is more widespread in the districts of Ciutat Vella, Sant Martí, Nou Barris and Gràcia than in the rest of the city.

In contrast, at the other extreme is Sarrià-Sant Gervasi. This is the territory with the highest percentage of negative opinions on the current evolution of Barcelona: 18% of the users of this district feel identified with the statement that the current model of the city has only brought decadence to Barcelona. In general terms, this fatalistic vision of the present moment that the Catalan capital is experiencing is assumed by 13% of the participants in the electoral interactive of La Vanguardia.

In the three weeks that have elapsed since the implementation of this participation instrument that pulsates the public opinion of the people of Barcelona on the eve of the elections that will be held on May 28, it is also observed that 21.41% of the The inhabitants of Ciutat Vella, one of the districts most affected by phenomena such as tourism, citizen insecurity or the lack of housing, consider that the Barcelona brand is expelling the residents of the city and that, therefore, it would be necessary to take stop policies that reinforce this model. Ciutat Vella is the district that most identifies with this feeling, followed by Gràcia, with 19.25%