The next municipal elections are presented as one of the most disputed in the history of Barcelona. Continuity or change, to which must be added the great determining factor of the pacts, which will be essential for any candidate who aspires to govern the city. With a month and a half to go before the elections and with the electoral race underway and gaining speed, this coming Friday the cycle of debates organized by Barcelona Global and La Vanguardia will begin to find out in more detail what the mayors’ proposals are.

The Objectiu Barcelona cycle. 50 preguntas als candidats will be divided into seven sessions to be held over the next four weeks. In each of the sessions, the head of the list of the seven political formations that currently have representation in the City Council will answer key questions for the future of the city.

This Friday, the 14th, the round of meetings will open with the mayoress and candidate of BComú, Ada Colau, who is facing her third municipal elections. The cycle will culminate on May 5 with the Socialist mayor, Jaume Collboni, until the end of January first deputy mayor and head of the Economy and Economic Promotion portfolio, posts he abandoned to focus exclusively on the electoral campaign.

This will be the second edition of Objectiu Barcelona. If the mayors took the stage at the Romea theater four years ago, this time the place chosen is the Casa Seat, and all the sessions – which will begin at 9:30 in the morning – can be followed live on the La Vanguardia website. . Its deputy director, Enric Sierra, will be in charge of directing the questions after the president of Barcelona Global, Maite Barrera, welcomes the attendees and opens the event.

After next Friday’s session with Ada Colau, two weekly appointments have been scheduled. The schedule is tight. On Monday, April 17, it will be the turn of Xavier Trias (Junts). The former mayor, who had to hand over the command rod to Ada Colau in 2015, aspires to recover it eight years later by running as the candidate for the change of course in the city. Ernest Maragall (ERC) will be the guest next Friday, April 21. The mayor of the PP, Daniel Sirera, will appear on Tuesday, April 25, Anna Grau (Cs) will take the stage of Objetivo Barcelona on April 28 and Eva Parera (Valents) will do so on May 3. The socialist Jaume Collboni will therefore be in charge of closing the cycle on May 5, a week before the official start of the electoral campaign.

The proposal of this cycle is none other than knowing in depth what the proposals of the candidates are on very specific topics. In order to organize the debate and give specific answers to the concerns of the attendees, the themes have been divided into six blocks. Thus, in the first place the issue of talent and investment attraction will be addressed, and in a second package issues related to urban planning and housing will be addressed. Mobility in the city and decarbonization will be the focus of the third section, followed by issues of tourism and trade. Culture will occupy another section and the meeting will end with proposals on social innovation and quality of life.

Those interested in attending any of the sessions live can do so by scanning the QR and following the instructions to register, since capacity is limited.

After the welcome from the president of Barcelona Global and the deputy director of La Vanguardia, a member of this entity will ask the guest a first question, after which Enric Sierra will continue the thread of the interview until entering the next thematic axis, which also It will be introduced by a question formulated by an attendee to the session. Barcelona Global has selected the questions after a debate process between professionals and specialists in each of the areas that will be addressed.