Since our most remote ancestors began to create the first copper utensils in approximately 6,000 B.C., up to the sophisticated technologies that we have today, the elaboration of metal tools and machines has been essential for human progress and the construction of our civilization. Currently, it would be impossible to find a business sector that does not benefit greatly from the advantages that the metallurgical industry offers.

Now, Barcelona offers us a magnificent opportunity to see the latest advances and possibilities in this field in the first edition of AMT – Advanced Machine Tools, a new biennial innovation event in the machine tool sector that will take place from Tuesday 18 to Thursday April 20 at Fira de Barcelona – Gran Vía, simultaneously with Advanced Factories, the leading meeting in industrial automation and robotics in southern Europe.

AMT – Advanced Machine Tools was born with the aim of promoting the renewal of equipment throughout the sector to adapt Spanish manufacturing to the current economic and technological situation, and also to support the industry in its process of improving productivity. This technological event also serves for Barcelona to recover a hall of reference in metallurgy at a national level, an industry that is especially deeply rooted in the entire eastern area and that, without a doubt, is one of the driving forces of the entire country.

Obviously, the impact of the pandemic, added to the global supply crisis experienced recently and the consequences of the conflict in Ukraine, have caused the sector to adapt, in a resilient way, to a more uncertain reality that offers margins of tighter benefits. In this sense, this biennial event aspires to become the ideal setting for all manufacturers to find those precise technologies to bet on relocation and gain efficiency in production processes.

During these three days, more than 14,000 professionals from the metal industry will meet at AMT – Advanced Machine Tools to discover the latest news and find industrial partners in fields such as sheet metal forming and cutting machinery, chip removal or components and accessories. More than 180 exhibiting firms –among which we can highlight, for example, AMADA, Cutlite Penta, Delteco, Egasca, Josep Muntal, Maquinser, MECOS, Nogval or Rittal– will show their latest solutions in cutting, starting, deformation, laser machinery , drilling, milling, stamping, pressing or polishing, among many other features.

The meeting has summoned the interest of all those who are dedicated to the field of milling and turning machining (whether in molds and dies, bar-turning or manufacturing) and of forming (in boilermaking, enclosures and structures, etc.). Most of them are professionals from subcontracting workshops that work for companies in the transportation, automotive, aeronautical, electrical appliances or construction sectors, among others; and also manufacturers of capital goods such as catering, agricultural or metal construction machinery.

Within the framework of AMT – Advanced Machine Tools, the Metal Industry Congress will also take place, a unique congress in which factory, workshop, maintenance and purchasing managers of manufacturing plants have a magnificent opportunity to delve into the trends that are currently guiding the investments in equipment, components and technologies applied to the sector, so that they can integrate them to optimize their processes of metal transformation and processing of advanced materials.

In these days, more than 120 experts in the sector will present the most disruptive innovations in the metal sector, from intelligent manufacturing processes driven by next-generation machine tools to Artificial Intelligence (AI) applied to equipment, passing by automation, robotics or connectivity. Among the speakers, we find experts such as Diego Galar, Professor of Operations and Maintenance Engineering at the Luleå University of Technology, in Sweden; Daniel Casellas, scientific director of Eurecat – Technological Center of Catalonia; or Agustín Sáenz, director of Market, Strategies and Technology at Tecnalia, among many others.

In addition, the congress will also host different specialized forums such as the Plant Managers Summit or the National Congress of Industrial Estates. In total, there will be more than 50 hours of technological knowledge transfer that will allow us to know, first-hand, the most relevant cases of success and transformation, thanks to advanced machinery, in the metal sector and its auxiliary industry.

Likewise, the seventh edition of Advanced Factories, by the hand of AMT – Advanced Machine Tools, will bring together more than 450 exhibiting firms. The simultaneous holding of both meetings, in a total of 35,000 square meters of exhibition, will also allow the discovery of other essential aspects to promote the competitiveness of the sector, such as industrial automation, robotics, additive manufacturing, artificial vision, digital twin, data analytics, cybersecurity , 5G, IIoT, cloud, industrial, machine learning, AI, integrated production systems, energy efficiency solutions, new ERP software, MES, PLC and 4.0 technologies associated with digital manufacturing.

Within Advanced Factories, the Industry 4.0 Congress will also take place, which will offer the opportunity to discover the best practices and the most successful applications in the digitization of production centers and their industrial transformation. This congress will bring together 380 experts who will address how the use of automation, robotics, AI or Virtual Reality are key issues to improve the efficiency of industrial plants.

As Victor Blanc, Event Manager of AMT – Advanced Machine Tools, explains, holding this new event, in partnership with the already consolidated Advanced Factories, is an excellent opportunity to show “all interested parties in the machine industry- tool that the commitment to technology, sustainability and innovation is an essential requirement if you want to prosper in the current economic and geopolitical context”. To make this possible, AMT – Advanced Machine Tools offers advanced solutions, business opportunities and know-how to transform production chains and adapt them to the needs of the future that awaits us.