The spokeswoman for Adelante Andalucía, Teresa Rodríguez, clarified this Wednesday that, with her tweet about TV3’s parody of the Virgen del Rocío, “she did not intend to create a controversy against Catalonia.” In statements to RAC1, the former deputy of the regional Parliament regretted that her message was read in this context, in addition to ruling out that it is a punishable act.

A parody on the TV3 program Està passant about the Virgen del Rocío sparked controversy in the networks at the end of last week, especially as a result of a tweet by the spokeswoman for Adelante Andalucía, Teresa Rodríguez, who censored the “Andalusophobia” that , in his opinion, conveyed that satirical scene. Rodríguez opened the ban and other leaders, such as the president of the Junta de Andalucía, Juanma Moreno, and various political parties, joined the criticism. Some of them blamed “supremacism” on Catalan television and demanded a rectification. The Catalan bishops also reproached TV3 for the scene.

This Wednesday, the leader of Adelante Andalucía regretted the context in which that tweet was read, because she stressed that in no case did she seek to “be part of a chorus against Catalonia.” “It makes me angry that because of an innocent comment I am part of a new catalanophobic wave,” said Rodríguez.

For this reason, and after the repercussion that “he had not calculated or foreseen”, he said that now perhaps he would not publish the tweet. However, he has made it clear that he did not like the Està Passant gag. In his opinion, he perpetuates stereotypes about Andalusians such as “fanaticism, ignorance and misunderstanding”. “It is always caricatured in the same sense, it rains, it pours”, lamented Rodríguez, something that he has assured is unnerving him and for this reason he complained on Twitter about the “badness, ignorance and Andalusian phobia” that he saw in that scene broadcast on TV3. He has clarified that his criticism was not based on religious connotations, but because it affected, he says, the “popular culture and expressions” of Andalusia.

Teresa Rodríguez, as she had already expressed on social networks after the complaint filed by Christian Lawyers, has defended that the broadcast of this scene “is not punishable”. At the same time, she has described as “outrageous” that the offense against religious sentiments and blasphemy continue to be crimes in Spain.

Despite the fact that the municipal and regional elections are only a few weeks away, he has separated this controversy from electoralism, in response to the director of Està passant, Toni Soler, who yesterday pointed in this direction during his program. Precisely about the gag on Tuesday, in which Soler “demanded an apology” for the criticism received, Rodríguez has acknowledged that he liked it “more” than the previous one.

Apart from Rodríguez, the Andalusian president, Juanma Moreno, and the president of Aragón, Javier Lambán, also charged hard against TV3. This Wednesday, Moreno has once again demanded “respect” for Andalusia, since she believes that the TV3 gag is part of a “hostile and even aggressive persecution.” “It hurts us to see how such a cosmopolitan and welcoming land is today directed from intolerance and lack of respect for other lands in Spain,” Moreno denounced, alluding to the Government of Pere Aragonès. The president of the Junta has stressed that Andalusia “comes out to defend itself when someone makes fun of us.”