Six months after the Government annulled 33 titles of nobility linked to the Franco regime, the Diputación de la Grandeza y Títulos del Reino has exposed to the King, in a hearing in the Zarzuela, its discomfort at what María Cristina de Ulloa, Duchess of Arcos and president of the entity, described the attacks they receive from social sectors and radical political formations due to the “indiscriminate revisionism that the history of Spain is being subjected to.”

Since his proclamation, in June 2014, Felipe VI has not made use of his power to grant new titles of nobility, a matter that worries the leadership of the Diputación de la Grandeza who want to separate his image from that of a bygone aristocracy Fashion. King Juan Carlos granted 54 titles in 38 years, recognizing the merits of artists, scientists, politicians and businessmen including Salvador Dalí, Josep Tarradellas, Juan Antonio Samaranch, José Manuel Lara, Mario Vargas Llosa and Vicente del Bosque.

The hearing, which is part of the periodic contacts that the King maintains with different entities, occurs six months after, in application of the Historical Memory Law, 33 titles linked to the Franco regime were annulled, five of which were granted by the King Juan Carlos. The Diputación de la Grandeza, which brings together the eight hundred titles of nobility held by as many people in Spain, some of which are several centuries old, has repeatedly expressed its discomfort at this measure that left Carmen Martínez, among others, without titles Bordiu, Duchess of Franco.

The application of the Historical Memory Law, which entered into force on October 22, 2022, made it possible to annul the titles that exalted Francoism. Most were granted by Franco, who granted himself a power of the Crown, and five were granted by King Juan Carlos, at the beginning of his reign, in which Franco’s widow and daughter, the president of the Government, Carlos Arias Navarro and the president of the Cortes, Alejandro Rodríguez de Valcárcel. All have been annulled and the current holders will no longer be able to use the noble distinction.

In the annulled titles, there will be six ducats (of Calvo Sotelo, of Carrero Blanco, of Franco, of Primo de Rivera and of Mola), 13 marquesados ​​(of Alborán, of Arias Navarro, of Bilbao Eguía, of Casa Cervera, of Dávila, of Kindelán, of Queipo de Llano, of Saliquet, of San Leonardo de Yagüe, of Somosierra, of Suanzes, of Varela de San Fernando and of Vigón), 12 counties (of Alcázar de Toledo, of Bau, of Benjumea, of Cierva , of the Castillo de la Mota, of Fenosa, of Iturmendi, of Jarama, of Labajos, of Martín Moreno, of Pallasar and of Rodríguez de Valcárcel), the lordship of Meirás and, finally, two greatnesses of Spain (to Fernando Suárez de Tangil and Angulo and the Count of Rodezno).