What is the most important idea in the story and who had it?

Newton described the space-time-motion relationship 350 years ago with the same equations that allow us to launch rockets today.

Since the apple fell on you?

That’s silly. Everyone already knew about gravity, but Newton changed the way we see the world in two phases: he knew how to see that the force that makes the apple fall is the same that makes the planets orbit around the sun and moves the entire universe. .

From our feet to infinity?

And he made another immense cognitive leap by describing it not just with words, but with precise equations with the predictive ability that today allows any student to anticipate the movement of a ball or Jupiter.

Only with Newton would we have GPS?

It wouldn’t work at such a distance: it took Einstein and relativity to discover that time curves space. In 1900 physicists realized that Newton’s equations did not explain everything they already observed.

What were we still missing?

What are we still missing, because Max Planck anticipated quantum radiation and we are still connecting the dots since Einstein realized that the universe was fundamentally mechanical…

More complex and hippy than Newton’s?

Relativity and quantum are counterintuitive: they require reasoning that contradicts what until then was enough for us to understand reality.


Because humans existed 200,000 years ago and we’ve only had GPS for 20 and even today we don’t need to understand quantum or relativity on a day-to-day basis…

Can we all go beyond Newton?

I believe that trying is essential.

Because? So that?

Because you will live the universe to the extent that you try to understand it. And for that you have to get to relativity, quantum and particle physics… Cheer up!

Hasn’t quantum already misplaced Einstein?

I am not in complete agreement…

“God,” he disagreed, “doesn’t he play dice”?

But he didn’t distrust quantum theory because he was a washed-up old man, he just judged it incomplete. And he was right.

Are we still fighting with her?

But don’t forget that Einstein never gave up explaining reality, because the universe is explainable: it makes sense and we can understand it. That is the eternal discovery.

It’s easier if you’re a physicist like you.

No one said it was easy, but Einstein was not alone: ​​he had Schrödinger by his side…

And his cat capable of being and not being at one point at the same time!

And his equation, because he also did not believe that the quantum was complete and, furthermore, he had to put up with some giants of Physics questioning it. And think of the other revolution: that of relativity.

What if understanding reality exceeds the capacity that evolution has given us?

You have to stretch your brain: stretch. Marvel with me that Einstein didn’t know there were black holes or the big bang or that the universe is expanding. Today it is proven, but, even without believing it, he predicted it 100 years ago with just a pencil and paper.

Were his equations smarter than him?

And that is fascinating! Understanding relativity or approaching quantum will change your brain: great ideas can change it.

It is hard to conceive that the time measured by a clock differs if it is up or down.

Without measuring it, Einstein already realized that in order to understand the universe it was essential to conceive time and space together…

How difficult to assimilate!

Because it is the complete opposite of what we perceive: until Einstein, time is universal and absolute for everyone in the universe, but he shows that it is actually personal and relative and depends on the movement of each body: it depends on how you move…

Who leaves ages less than who stays?

And when I say “right now” I’m lying, because my right now is only mine and only here. You have a different right now.

Because nothing is faster than light?

And one consequence is that we won’t be able to get where the science fiction authors predicted… But it’s not the worst.

What is the best?

That if there was a human capable of conceiving that the universe began 13.8 billion years ago and that it has been expanding since then, we all can.

How long will time last?

Is young. Think of black holes…

If you fall into one, do you disappear?

Everything disappears in it and right now there are many brilliant physicists, let’s console ourselves, banging our heads against the table to understand it.