The parody of the Virgen del Rocío in Està Passant first and in Polònia later, both programs by producer Toni Soler, has generated great controversy in Spain to the point that a group of Christian lawyers have denounced the gag and the president of the Board himself , Juanma Moreno, has requested an apology from TV3.

This is precisely what they have talked about in Ya es mediodía, the Telecinco program presented by Joaquín Prat, who has presented the subject alleging that he personally did not like the parody. “In my opinion, in very bad taste,” the journalist acknowledged.

It is an offense, it is a gratuitous attack”, pointed out Castellanos, from the Christian Lawyers Association, who does not believe that it is necessary to “attack anyone” at Easter or at any time. And less on the part of a “public television that we all pay for.”

A complaint that occurred a few days ago when the program Està Passant broadcast on TV3 the interview with an alleged Virgin of Rocío that revealed the Andalusian accent and her own devotion to herself. A reality that greatly annoyed the association, which was quick to publish the complaint.

Not only that. There have been quite a few national linear television programs that have expressed their complete rejection of this parody, which this Thursday, April 13, had a second part in Poland, where Toni Soler’s program tried to show that everyone is laughing at , not only of the Virgen del Rocío.