Three years ago, the management of Park Güell in Barcelona approved streamlining the management a bit and opening the park to residents for free. Since then, the long-suffering residents of the area, who have a daily rave in the bunkers and in practically all the avenues and alleys of Carmel, an eternal procession (almost always in an Asian tone) invading the streets and minibuses of Vallcarca and the Coll and an unacceptable mess in too many corners of these neighborhoods, as well as in the previously quiet squares of La Salut and Baix Guinardó, theoretically they can enter the site at any time (if it is open, of course) and without the need to reserve tickets for advanced

They can be very happy, then, with their card, personal and non-transferable, which replaces options that were already mythical before the pandemic, such as faltering and convincing the poor watchmen of those besieged doors with that “I do i have to pay But if I am a neighbor all my life!” Or the excuses (or not) of “I’m coming to walk the dog” (you must go with the dog, of course) or “I’m jogging” (you must run in and if possible with appropriate clothing and footwear) that worked for neighbors and not neighbors and nowadays I’m afraid they are banned.

For non-residents, the alternative to the card, the dog or running shoes is to become a Gaudir Més member, which allows access to various attractions in the city, as well as advantages that include the to bid for those very difficult free tickets to be able to set foot in the longed-for Park Güell again.

Types of not being able to enjoy the green lung they have in front of their noses. Types that no one pays attention to. Tips for so many tourists just for them, like that card that never arrives (it can only be processed by phone or on the web…) and tips to pursue the dubious advantages of Gaudir Més, the neighbors are organizing. At least in Vallcarca. Graffiti has appeared next to the subway exit that kindly indicates the supposed direction to the park.

But that’s it, supposedly. Because in recent days, packs of lost (and exhausted) tourists have also been spotted on top of the mountain at the other end of this city besieged by pre-election works. Looking for Gaudí in Tibidabo.