Three prominent entities of the city, the Restoration Guild, the employer Foment del Treball and 22@Network Barcelona, ??the grouping of companies in the technological district of Poblenou, have just set up the Barcelona és Bona business platform, which “defends a stable political leadership to boost the productive and business fabric of the city”.

Created and self-defined as a “debate platform in which businessmen and professionals come together to promote the economic growth of Barcelona and Catalonia”, Barcelona és?Bona aims to incorporate in the coming months more entities, companies and individuals who agree with its beginning. These are summarized in three: legal security, a strong and stable government – ??without entering into considerations about the political color it must have – and strengthening the leadership of Barcelona and Catalonia.

The spokesperson for the platform, Roger Montañola, points out that Barcelona és Bona is also based on the need to provide a “quick and complex” response in those debates that arise about the economic model. According to Montañola, the “culture of no” has been able to provide itself with numerous speakers to express its positions, something that does not always happen among defenders of the need for economic growth. The promoters of this initiative, which hopes to be presented to society before the summer holidays, are willing to practice “activism in favor of yes.”

Mar Alarcón, vice president of Foment del Treball, points out that the new platform calls for establishing “a positive framework for the company,” which values ??the role of businessmen and women as “engines of wealth creation and employment and of prosperity for society as a whole.”

Roger Pallarols, director of the Barcelona Restaurant Association, highlights that it is necessary to “ensure clear rules of the game, focused on promoting the development of economic activity.”

Roger Montañola adds that political instability is one of the great concerns of the Barcelona business community. “Companies – says the spokesperson for Barcelona és Bona – need a climate of trust, moderation and understanding, with less uncertainty and greater regulatory quality.” For this reason, Barcelona és Bona is in favor of “strong and stable” governments that provide confidence to investors and guarantees of continuity for the development of business initiatives. In short, “political leadership.”

All the promoters of this debate platform share the conviction that Barceloan meets all the conditions to be an international reference in many areas. Isabel Sabadi, director of the 22@ Network Barcelona, ??highlights some of these strengths: “its strategic location, a solid industrial force, a rich and diverse cultural scene and an innovative and entrepreneurial business community that has the capabilities to assume leadership.”

The platform calls on Catalan political leaders to refocus their efforts on once again positioning Barcelona as the economic engine of Spain through a broad consensus between institutions and the business sector, promoting public-private collaboration. “It is time to join forces and work for a prosperous future for the city,” says Barcelona és Bona in its founding manifesto.