Raise your hand if you have recently gone shopping and complained about how expensive everything is. Inflation has become the buzzword, and not exactly in a good way. Food and fuel prices have risen exponentially and, with this, we have to scratch our pockets a little more. But this economic situation does not only affect consumer products for humans, but the food for our pets has also become more expensive.

This expense is not trivial, if we consider that in Spain more and more pets are being adopted. According to the 2021 Census study of the National Association of Companion Animal Food Manufacturers (ANFAAC) and Veterindustry, from 2019 to 2021, the number of dogs increased by 38%, going from 6.7 to 9.3 million; and that of cats 38%, going from 3.7 to 5.8 million.

Having a pet involves a considerable outlay of money. Visits to the vet, vaccinations and deworming, items for a walk, bedding, various toys and, of course, quality food. Surely you have already noticed that the food you give your dog or your kitten has risen in price. And blame it on inflation.

According to data from the Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU), having a dog represents an average annual outlay of 1,131 euros per year, while the amount in the case of cats is 986 euros per year. Of course, these are estimates and the ravages of inflation could further swell the figures.

The digital offers application Tiendeo has shared the data from its latest Observatory on pets. In his study, it appears that the prices of dog and cat food have risen on average by 23% in the last year. It is therefore not surprising that the platform has registered a 6% increase in searches for promotions related to pet products in the last month compared to the previous one.

According to the Tiendeo Observatory, Spanish consumers search for more promotional products for their dogs (53% of searches for pet products) than for their cats (43% of searches). This general trend differs in the case of the autonomous communities of Aragon, Navarra and La Rioja, where more offers are sought for kittens.

Another fact to highlight is that Spanish consumers are especially interested in seeking promotions and offers related to food, as highlighted in the study. Specifically, 65% of the searches are about pet food, while 35% correspond to searches for promotions in pet accessories.