The Mexican actress Karla Souza has been involved in a controversy in the United States. The interpreter is known for participating in the series How to defend a murderer, in which she shared a scene with actress Viola Davis. The artist, who has developed various roles in the United States, has declared a few words in a recent podcast that have sparked all the controversy.

Karla Souza narrated in the podcast that although she has the physical appearance of a white woman with light eyes, in the film and television industry she is part of the minority in the sector, among which are Hispanics or African-Americans, who are harmed in Regarding the salary, receiving a lower amount than their peers.

”When I arrived in Los Angeles I auditioned and they made me sign a paper, when they hadn’t even given me the role yet, and they told me: ‘in case you get the role, your signature here that you accept that we pay you for this six years of your life, you can’t do anything else, you have to do only this’. You’re auditioning with five or ten other people. What bargaining power do you have? Zero. I had never had a job in the United States and I signed the role,” the actress said on the podcast.

With the passing of the seasons, the series was reaping more success and the artist claimed that at that time she continued to earn the same, much less than her white colleagues. Now the interpreter is immersed in another series and she began to see that the same thing was going to happen to her in her previous project. ”I put together a fucking fart. I could smell them because of how they were writing my character, because also stereotyping him and everything,” she commented.

Souza also said that when going to work he had to fight against the stereotypes that Americans have against Hispanics, or in his case against Mexicans. ”It’s a constant struggle to say, everyone working on the team is white male and this can’t be. I complained every day in a positive way, because complaining on a set is super toxic. He did it by giving suggestions, telling them your series will be better if you give us something with more quality,” she explained.

Souza took his complaints to the top managers of the production. “They should rectify that women of color in the series are paid the same as white people,” declared the interpreter. In the end, he got a salary increase for her and her African-American partner.

A few words from the actress who have raised a wave of criticism on social networks, considering herself a “person of color” with her physical appearance. In addition, many of her comments to Souza are accusations of the actress for doing blackfishing, that is, considering herself a racialized person despite being a Caucasian person.