The president of Foment del Treball, Josep Sánchez Llibre, has charged again this afternoon against the fiscal policy of the Government of the Generalitat and has assured that “promoting the Pact for Industry and at the same time raising rates and taxes are contradictory policies”. In the general assembly held by the Catalan employers’ association, he once again defended the figure of the businessman with a warning that “economic populism applied to the economy leads us to economic decline, which means global impoverishment.” “The political debate tends to disqualify the benefit of companies; without profit, let it be clear, there is no viable company and, therefore, no social cohesion”, he added.

In relation to the Catalan fiscal framework, he reminded the Pere Aragonès Government of “the value of words and coherence”, in reference to compliance with the Budgets and the commitments achieved in the different political and economic sectors, such as the determined support for the reindustrialization of the country. It has advanced that at the end of the year the report of the commission of tax experts created by Foment will be presented, whose objective is to “influence the Government of the Generalitat, so that it becomes aware that it is necessary to reduce the tax burden on companies and the citizens of Catalonia, since we currently pay an excess of taxes in relation to those paid by the citizens and companies of Madrid, for example”.

“It is not true that we pay few taxes, nor that we have to pay more; What is certain is that Spain has a lot of tax fraud and that those who now do not pay have to pay ”, he said, delving into the tax issue.

Another relevant point highlighted by the president of Foment is that “the efficiency of public spending must be evaluated, as required by community regulations, so that the administration is agile and does not waste time or resources.” One of his proposals is that “it be a reality that mutual accidents at work can provide comprehensive health care and that they can issue medical discharges in temporary disability processes, at least in diagnoses such as trauma pathologies.

Among the criticisms directed at the central government, he highlighted the proposal to “create an observatory to monitor business margins is an instrument typical of dictatorial and non-democratic countries, taking into account that we already have the CNMC in Spain.”

And regarding the state of the city of Barcelona, ​​he has called for “an international capital based on sustainable growth and with respect for the environment, that can live in freedom, without having enemies that have come, that can choose its mobility model, without impositions and not be subjected to the tactical and sectarian urbanism of recent years”.

In this context, the president of Foment has asked the political formations that emerge from the different elections that will take place during the year 2023 “a great State pact in favor of the harmony of sustainable economic growth and guarantor of the welfare society before of the populist excesses that we have experienced in the last year”.

It has also announced the creation of the Foment del Treball Territorial Council of SMEs, which will be chaired by Xavier Panés, vice president of Foment. This initiative is due to the desire to create a pool of services for all territorial and sectoral organizations to improve the performance and coordination of all organizations affiliated with Foment, and to be more efficient in defending the interests of SMEs and self-employed, as highlighted by the organization.