Dirty clothes are always better to wash at home. The spectacle of these last days between Podemos and Sumar is doing a disservice to the cause they represent. I don’t know if it was a good idea for Yolanda Díaz to attend Jordi Évole’s interview on La Sexta, and I have my doubts that the media overrepresentation of Pablo Iglesias, on social networks and in his radio collaborations, is going to do him any good . The founder of Podemos has a great communicative capacity and yesterday as a gathering with Jordi Basté in RAC1 he demonstrated all his abilities to try to dismantle Díaz’s theses, but the final result leaves a bitter taste for those supporters of the left to the left of the PSOE. Iglesias complained that he was not given a ball in some public media when at the same time his general secretary, Ione Belarra, was being interviewed on RNE.

This struggle reminds us of the one that took place in his day between Iglesias himself and Íñigo Errejón, which caused the latter to leave to create Más País. A personal battle that has impoverished the electoral chances of the purples. If Sumar and Podemos were separated, they could get more votes, but the arithmetic distribution of the D’Hondt law would leave them with fewer seats. In this sense, do not miss the interesting article by our specialist in demoscopy, Carles Castro, who situates the confrontation between Díaz and Iglesias, or paraphrasing the former Podemite leader, between Díaz and Belarra, as essential for Pedro Sánchez to retain his majority in elections at the end of the year. It’s all very simple: if Sumar and Podemos go together, they can win 40 seats, and that would allow the PSOE to be closer to a majority sufficient to govern.

The first elections on the calendar are the municipal and regional elections of 28-M and here there are going to be competing candidacies of Podemos against some of the confluences that could end up in Sumar. Therefore, it does not seem that this media noise can end. This fight is not going to have a winner, but, depending on how it develops in the coming weeks, it can only end up having losers. And on the rebound, whoever loses the most is Sánchez. More than adding, they can subtract.