Last Saturday, the mother of former player Gerard Piqué visited the Col·lapse program on TV3, a television program presented by Ricard Ustrell, where she gave an interview that left countless moments and statements to remember.

Montserrat Bernabéu spoke about her professional career and the hard times her family has gone through in recent years. She also made reference to her ex-daughter-in-law, the Colombian singer Shakira, who is already starting a new life in Miami with her two children, Milan and Sasha.

Bernabéu took advantage of the invitation to the Catalan television program to admit that he does not like to talk about his private life in public. She also took this space to claim her work, a refuge where she goes whenever she feels confused, sad or is going through a bad moment: “Like everyone else, I have my professional and personal life. But I only talk about my private life with those around me. When I’m at work I focus on what I have to do and I’m Dr. Bernabéu.”

These last few months have been very difficult for Piqué’s close entourage. The ex-soccer player’s media break with Shakira has made them live with paparazzi at the door day in and day out, something quite difficult to face, especially for people like their parents who are not used to dealing with fame, cameras and the media spotlight. .

Despite not wanting to get into sentimentality and show a strong and serene image, there was a moment in the interview where the guest was moved. They were talking about an episode from 2012, when Gerard Piqué, in a match at the Camp Nou, hit his head hard in a play with the footballer Drogba.

These images affected Piqué’s mother a lot: “I remember that at that time I was in the field. When I saw it, it didn’t come to my mind. In fact, it’s still hard for me to talk about it,” he confessed, holding back tears. “He kept playing, but he didn’t know where he was. He was disoriented and had suffered a major head injury,” she said.

The mother of the former Barcelona player asked the program for a very important favor for her: not to talk about her private life or anything related to the controversy surrounding her son and Shakira. The Catalan woman knew that her statements could generate a lot of controversy and she spoke to the television space to avoid any tense moment or uncomfortable question.

The doctor did not want to make any kind of comment about the Colombian singer, her son or his new illusion, nor did she want to talk about her husband or her grandchildren. What she did assure was that she was ”in top shape”, so she would be ready to face any situation that came her way.