Laura Escanes has just premiered the eleventh episode of her podcast Entre el cielo y las nubes on Podimo and she did not want to miss the opportunity to recount the changes she is currently going through. What was planned to be an interview with her great friend Luc Loren, has become an intimate space where Escanes talks about love, people who have abandoned their lives or mental health, among other things.

After her breakup with Risto Mejide in September of last year, her life has turned 180 degrees. Her new relationship with Álvaro de Luna, her decision to live alone with her daughter Roma, and the professional projects that surround her, mean that she is experiencing one of her best moments.

Although the influencer is immersed in her idyll with Luna, it is inevitable that she will continue with her gaze on the past, and more specifically on her separation with her daughter’s father. “No one is born living and thinking: ‘I want to get married and separate,'” confesses Escanes. And it is that she tells how she had not imagined life in another way. “When you live a separation, all plans for the future are breaking down,” she adds.

But if something is clear to Laura Escanes, it is that she does not intend to say anything against Risto Mejide. “What nobody lowers me from is that I am not going to get involved with an uncle or an aunt who speaks ill of her ex,” says the model. With this, she admits that she too could have done things wrong and asks people for “a little self-criticism” in her relationships.

But if this time of change has served him well, it is to look at love with different eyes. “Why are you assuming that we are going to separate?” Laura Escanes asked Risto Mejide in the podcast they shared before their separation. And it is that the influencer was remarkably hurt by the journalist’s statement that “everything that begins has to end.” Something that now does not see so negatively.

“I no longer believe in love for life,” admits Escanes in his conversation with Luc Loren. “It’s sad to think about it because if you already start with someone thinking that it’s not for life… I talked about this with Risto in the previous podcast and he said: ‘Nothing is eternal’, and for me it was a tremendous stick. He already I had experienced a first separation, for me it was the first. Now I understand why he said that,” he confesses.

The influencer tells how she is in the process of creating a “new Laura”. “The other day I published a tweet in which I said: ‘I miss myself’, because I have not allowed myself to be bad either and that means that I do not know myself at all,” she says. Something that worries the model especially, since she assures that her mind tells her that she must be wrong and that is why she cannot “be making jokes all the time”. Of course, she admits that with her work she goes to “continuous therapy”.

Within this totally new Laura is living alone for the first time in her life. “I feel like it because I had the thorn in my head of not having lived with friends, of going to a flat alone. It also reassures me to know that I don’t always live alone, I’m with Rome,” admits the model. “I think about having to share a house, again, with someone and it makes me lazy…”, she concludes.