The mayor of Madrid and PP candidate for Mayor of Madrid, José Luis Martínez-Almeida, has finally made room in his lists for the two Cs councilors who have recently abandoned the orange discipline, although he has not granted them main starting positions . Specifically, the delegate for Families, Equality and Social Welfare, Pepe Aniorte, will occupy the 32nd position while the mayor of Innovation, Ángel Niño, will be in 25th place.

Apart from the two former members of Ciudadanos, Almeida’s final list also highlights the returns of former councilor and regional deputy Orlando Chacón, and former senator Jaime González Taboada, while the representative of Culture, Andrea, remains blurred with a clear loss of specific weight. Levy, and the councilor of Usera, Loreto Sordo.

The current delegate of the Culture area is one of the most significant changes on the current list compared to that of 2019. If it was number 2 then, it now goes to position 13. In addition, the presence of Rivera de la Cruz, current counselor of Culture, Tourism and Sport as ‘3’, leaves the air that the possibility that Levy maintains his portfolio is very much.

This is clear from the electoral list already approved by the Autonomous Electoral Committee and which has been sent to the National Directorate of the Popular Party for final approval. These are 57 names included in a list that, as the councilor reiterated this Tuesday, has been drawn up “without trauma” and with “good understanding” between Cibeles and Sol.

It was yesterday when Almeida advanced the first positions of a wing in which, although he has managed to establish followers such as the spokesperson for the municipal government, Inmaculada Sanz, and the delegate for the Environment, Borja Carabante, the power of the regional president is noted , Isabel Díaz Ayuso, who has cast the counselor Marta Rivera de la Cruz as number 3 and the counselor Carlos Izquierdo as 6.