Pedro Sánchez maintains his government action and his electoral campaign fully aligned, as highlighted in Moncloa, with all the focus now on his public housing policy to facilitate the emancipation of young people. After the Council of Ministers approved this Tuesday the program to mobilize up to 50,000 Sareb homes for affordable rentals, the Prime Minister met in the Madrid town of Leganés -governed by the PSOE, and with a broad plan of social housing underway – with a group of young people to flag their management in this regard. An act framed within his “proximity agenda” with the problems of the citizenry that has not been improvised, but that his team has confronted with the act that the leader of the Popular Party, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has also staged today to present his proposals on housing in what the socialists consider an “elitist” area of ​​Madrid.

“Feijóo has been wrong”, they warn in Moncloa, when presenting their fair housing policies in an area of ​​the capital where the square meter built has a price of 6,000 euros. They also criticize that the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, to whom they attribute the sale of 3,000 public flats to vulture funds, now announces that she is not going to comply with the future Housing law unblocked by the Government. And they also highlight that the leader of the PP acts “in the wake” of the political agenda imposed by Sánchez, who during his visit to Leganés has defended that access to housing, especially for the youngest, “is not a problem, but rather a right as the Constitution says.”

And the government spokesperson, Isabel Rodríguez, spoke along the same lines on Tuesday, after the first vice president, Nadia Calviño, made explicit the plans approved by the Council of Ministers to “reconstitute the public housing stock dismantled by the previous Executive”. “There is an indisputable fact, and that is that the PP’s housing policies are unsuccessful policies,” denounced the socialist Isabel Rodríguez. “It is an indisputable fact that we all know, but that the people who were affected and suffered from these policies in the form of evictions, bubbles, speculation and corruption especially know”, criticized the minister spokesperson.

Isabel Rodríguez has also questioned the act carried out by Feijóo to present his housing plans. “In politics, the substance is as important as the forms. The main opposition party, with an absolute lack of sensitivity, has decided to present its proposals precisely in one of the areas of our country where access to housing is most prohibitive”, highlighted the spokesperson. And she has pointed out that in that area they are paying 6,000 euros per square meter, or 2,000 euros per month for an apartment. “Who can afford this?”, She reproached. And right in the Community of Madrid, he pointed out, for being “the most dramatic example of the PP’s failed policies, where 3,000 homes were handed over, instead of to families, to vulture funds, and where there is a president who says that a Housing law that protects and gives rights to the vast majority of Spaniards is going to be skipped”.

The government spokeswoman replied to Feijóo himself: “It would be good, in order to reach a State pact, for the president of the PP to begin to correct the attitude, which borders on a lack of institutionality, of its regional presidents, when they say they are going to Skip the Housing Law. It is unacceptable in a rule of law that there are regional presidents, whose first duty is to comply with the Constitution and the law, who openly say that they are going to break the law”. “Of course, seeing that the boss skips the Constitution, it is easy to conclude that it is a brand of the house,” Isabel Rodríguez has settled, alluding to Feijóo’s blockade to renew the General Council of the Judiciary.