Few books have aroused as many expectations as El chico de las musarañas, begun by Aless Lequio and completed by his mother Ana Obregón with the aim, as the artist explained, of fulfilling one of the three wishes that her son conveyed to her beforehand. to die of cancer in May 2020 at the age of 27.

The book has been the best seller on Amazon for weeks now. Even the publisher HarperCollins has had to release a second edition before its publication tomorrow. As Obregón herself has advanced, throughout 320 pages Aless’s illness is recounted, her fight against cancer and also the process that has led her to the conception of her granddaughter Ana de ella through surrogacy .

With a few hours to go before her arrival at the bookstores, Ana Obregón has given some detail about its content. “In this work I explain all the hurricane of feelings of a mother before the loss of a child and the long road to reach this blessing and miracle of a baby, Anita, who is your daughter”, she has affirmed through the editorial.

And as if it were a pregnancy, he added that “this work is a song to love and life that I have written for nine months with red tears.”

The content of the book is one of the best kept secrets. Due to the express will of the actress, copies have not been provided to the media before the launch, nor after, since the benefits obtained from copyright will go to the Aless Lequio Foundation.

It is expected, however, that Obregón will star in a subsequent press conference that has no date set either, although it will surely be called towards the middle or end of May, when the presenter returns to Spain after her stay in Miami. “The details will be reported through a press release,” reports the editorial.

HarperCollins also reveals what part of the book Aless was able to write before his death. Her texts “occupy pages 159 to 231”, she details before adding that “they have been fully respected in their original version”. The rest has been “written and redacted in handwriting by the author”, she continues to specify.

The editorial also notes that the result is “heartbreaking, exciting and overwhelming.” A “sincere, acid, vibrant story, with a unique sense of humor,” he continues.

Celia, sister of Ana Obregón, has been the first in the family to talk about the content of the book: “This way you will get to know Aless a little more and also Ana”, she has advanced while affirming that the whole family is “very excited ” with this editorial launch that is already a success before it arrives in bookstores and that, without a doubt, will be one of the star books of this Sant Jordi.