El chico de las musarañas, the book by Ana Obregón and Aless Lequio in which the well-known actress and presenter narrates a moving and emotional story, was released on April 19. As expected, the expectation was maximum, since everyone wanted to know what and how they both lived their life and experience against cancer, for which Aless died in 2020.

A book that clears up many unknowns about her current situation as Ana Sandra’s legal mother and biological grandmother; but he also commits the occasional indiscretion, such as revealing that Alessandro Lequio, Aless’s father, suffered from a disease that he feared his son would inherit. Perhaps in response, the collaborator published a curious photograph with Aless on her Instagram account, which left no one indifferent.

An image taken by a photojournalist and possibly published in the press years before, in which a father and son can be seen walking down the street. The Italian also adds a message: “Always walking in the same direction

His followers have not been slow to comment on it, with some pointing out that “with few words, you say everything” or how the image is representative of what Lequio has been maintaining since the news broke: the discretion for which his son fought so hard.

Lequio could thus be responding to Ana Obregón and her indiscretions in El chico de las musarañas, a work on which he has not commented for the moment, despite being the central protagonist of it. The biologist talks about Lequio’s disease in the second chapter of the book, in which she takes advantage of one of Aless’s reflections recounting what those days were like before her fateful diagnosis to explain some details about her medical history.

At first, Aless was diagnosed, according to his mother, with “hemorrhoids.” The medical team said they had detected an “abscess” in the rectum for which he had to be intervened to avoid an infection, so she was obliged to inform them of the hereditary pathology that Alessandro Lequio suffers from and that his son could suffer from: von Willebrand disease, a chronic disorder that prevents blood from clotting properly.

A revelation that adds to those provided by Ana García Obregón herself throughout the book, which tells, among other things, how precisely Alessandro Lequio saved her when she was about to take her own life after the death of her son.

The collaborator has tried to remain silent since the news of the birth of his biological granddaughter came to light, promising not to speak again on this issue or on his son, whose death continues to cause him so much pain.

“Let everyone think what they want,” he declared in The Ana Rosa program on the day of the launch, given the expectation generated.