The president of Junts per Pineda and the local president of Junts per Catalunya in Pineda de Mar have denounced before the Zone Electoral Board (JEZ) the irregular use of the acronym JxPineda by the candidacy of Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (ERC) in which Janina Juli i Pujol, wife of the president of the Generalitat, Pere Aragonès, is presented as a substitute candidate. The two live together in this town of the Maresme.

The Junts per Pineda coalition registered the name in 2018. ERC had previously used the acronym JxPineda, derived from the Junts pel Sí movement, a name that in turn was used throughout Catalonia. But it wasn’t until last year, in the face of the appearance of new electoral signs where the republicans appropriated the Junts per Pineda brand, that JxCat warned and demanded that the republicans not use this name, since “it could clearly confuse the electorate, since they appropriated some acronyms that are not their property”.

Junts also regrets the use in this dispute of the figure of the president’s wife, Janina Juli, whose photograph has been widely circulated on social networks as the first alternate of the ERC candidacy, which in these elections returns to present Mònica Palacín as head of the list. Junts complains that Aragonès’ wife lends herself to maintaining this premeditated confusion, since her photograph is associated with the initials ERC-JxPineda in all electoral advertising. Thus, he reproaches Janina Juli for “easily forgetting” her time in the JNC, in Convergència Democràtica and, subsequently, in the PDECat until 2019, the date on which, they explain, she resigned from militancy after the agreement with the Provincial Council of Barcelona between JxCat and the PSC.

Representatives of JxCat and JxPineda criticize that ERC has not responded to the requests that they sent in the form of a burofax to the national republican headquarters a few months ago demanding the withdrawal of the inappropriate name. For this reason, they have raised the complaint to the JEZ to decide whether the republicans can use the JxPinedaa acronym in the municipal campaign. They regret having to take legal action “when they have been amicably urged to stop using a name that is duly and legally registered by others”.

Sources from the ERC national management have avoided commenting until they have the resolution of the Zone Electoral Board. On a local note, the regional president of ERC, Josep Pena, assures that they have received the complaint and that they are legally analyzing whether the JxCat registration really corresponds to a political party. He avoided commenting on the participation of the president’s wife.

In the event that the JEZ decides in favor of JxCat’s claim, the local formation of Pineda de Mar will demand the immediate withdrawal of all electoral propaganda in which JxPineda appears, an option they say they would regret taking but which responds to their conviction to feel – were ignored by the Republican formation.