The PSOE would win the general elections again if they were held today, according to the April barometer of the Sociological Research Center (CIS) published this Thursday which, as has happened in recent months, places the PP in second position, more than four points behind of the socialists. But the main novelty of the poll is that it separates the vote estimate for Podemos and for Sumar once the electoral platform of the Vice President and Minister of Labor, Yolanda Díaz, has been presented.

The conclusion of this operation is that the two formations jointly add more votes than ever after the presentation of Díaz’s platform on April 2 with a clear advantage in favor of the vice president. Specifically, the CIS gives an estimate of the vote for Sumar (which includes the vote directed to IU, Compromís, En Comú, Más País, CHA, EQUO) of 10.6% of the votes while for Podemos, 6.7 %. The sum of the two reaches 17.3%, a figure that Unidas Podemos, added to Más País, had never reached in the barometers of the body led by José Félix Tezanos in this legislature.

The growth attributed by the CIS to this space located to the left of the PSOE that does not have, for the moment, an agreement to run together in the general elections leaves the two parties far from third place, since Vox rises one point in vote estimate (11.1%) since March in an apparent capitalization of the failed motion of no confidence presented by those of Santiago Abascal. However, the sum of the two formations on the left would place them in third position, surpassing Vox and with a greater capacity to make the percentage of the vote profitable in its translation into seats.

In any case, the rise in this space represents a significant loss of socialist support compared to the March barometer of up to 2.3 percentage points. Thus, Pedro Sánchez would collect 30.4% of the votes, just over two points more than in the 2019 elections.

Alberto Núñez Feijóo, whose party, the PP, would lose almost 2 points compared to last month to stand at 26.1% of the vote, is also losing steam, the lowest figure since the Galician leader took the reins of the conservative formation after the fall of Pablo Casado more than a year ago.

Although Ciudadanos recovers slightly (4 tenths), its presence in Congress remains doubtful since it would not even reach 3% of the votes and would remain at 2.8%.

The survey, prepared from interviews conducted during the first two weeks of April, is the first CIS barometer published after the presentation of the Sumar platform and the accusation of “manipulation” of the March survey launched by Podemos against the president of the demoscopic institute, José Félix Tezanos, and after the failed motion of censure of Vox, led by Ramón Tamames.

Regarding the evaluation of leaders, the second vice president Yolanda Díaz remains the best valued, with 4.87, ahead of president Pedro Sánchez (4.43) and the president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo (4.03 ), while Santiago Abascal also continues to be the worst valued (2.73).

Neither Sánchez nor Feijóo inspire much confidence among those surveyed. 75.1% assure that the leader of the PP inspires little or no confidence in them, and 65.7% have this opinion of the Prime Minister.

Although Yolanda Díaz is the most valued politician, the leader of Sumar ranks third in the preferences of those surveyed to preside over the Government. Sánchez continues to be the favourite, with the support of 21.3% of those surveyed to keep him at Moncloa. For 14.6%, Feijóo is preferred as Prime Minister at this time, closely followed by Díaz (13.2).

In the Council of Ministers, the head of Defense, Margarita Robles, remains unbeatable as the best valued, although with a scratched pass (5.15), followed by Yolanda Díaz (5.07) and the socialist vice presidents Nadia Calviño, minister of Economy (4.93), and Teresa Ribera, Minister of Ecological Transition (4.47). The worst valued of the Executive are the Minister of Social Affairs and General Secretary of Podemos, Ione Belarra, and the Minister of Equality and also leader of UP, Irene Montero (3.49).

In a context of economic crisis, this is the main concern of Spaniards (43.5), a figure that is undoubtedly directly related to the increase in the price of the shopping basket. Despite the fact that the statistics reflect a containment of inflation, now at 3.3, prices are not falling. Unemployment (34.8) is the second concern reflected in this barometer, followed by political problems in general (22), health (16), again problems related to the quality of employment (14.2) and poor behavior of politicians (13).