“A broken government” in front of a “united PP”, a president of the Government who “is ashamed” of the show that his government is giving with the reform of the yes is yes law, and “is absent” from Congress so as not to have to vote for it, and a president of the PP “proud of his party, which has shown that it is a state party”, and which has managed to “provide a solution” to a problem created by the Government.

This is how Alberto Núñez Feijóo explained this Thursday the situation created this morning in Congress with the reform of the yes is yes law, but that it is not isolated, but is added to each of the things that the Government approves, which finds opposition within it, be it the fight over what needs to be done to contain the price of basic food, or over housing. A problem, stressed the popular leader, that Pedro Sánchez is only concerned about because “the elections are close”, and for this reason, he affirmed, he does nothing but make announcements that not even the government itself believes anymore, because “Sánchez only he is concerned about a house, that of the Palacio de la Moncloa”.

Alberto Núñez Feijóo traveled this Thursday to Huelva, one of the squares, town hall and council, which the PP aspires to win although it is one of the most difficult in Andalusia, and which is currently in Socialist hands. A province where the Doñana National Park is located, and to where Feijóo moved to launch a very clear idea “Doñana is not touched”, as Pedro Sánchez said in his day, accusing the Government of the Junta of endangering it with his project to grant irrigated areas, but making it clear to Feijóo, that Doñana belongs to everyone, not only Andalusians but Spaniards, and that it is “something more than the vacation spot of the President of the Government”.

There, and after meeting with businessmen, Feijóo, at a rally, gave Sánchez the answer that he could not offer him yesterday in plenary session of Congress, where he spoke about the economy, to criticize the “triumphalism of the Government”, when Spain is the only country , along with the Czech Republic, which has not recovered its GDP from before the pandemic, and in terms of the real economy, the Spanish suffer the biggest price rise in forty years, and they have found that mortgages have risen 300 euros .

Feijóo also spoke about housing, water, and offered two major state pacts on these matters, as he has done with the yes is yes law, with which, he stressed, the “PP has shown responsibility” by approving the reform, despite the fact that the PSOE would have preferred that it not have to be with their votes. But the law has been reformed despite the spectacle given by the Government, “with ministers who have voted with the PP and a minister who has voted against” and what seems most important to him, with a vice president, Yolanda Díaz, who has voted in against, and others who have voted yes to the reform. and in the middle, Pedro Sánchez, “so embarrassed that he has been absent so as not to have to see his broken government.”

He was specific about what the PP has done, the entire PP, “we have shown that we are a state party” and “we have solved a problem.” That is why he believes that Sánchez should “show his face, apologize and vote for the reform, not absent himself”, he will do so when he arrives in the Senate, “because I will fulfill my obligation”, without thinking that it is what gives him the most electoral revenue.

But the law of yes is yes is not the only thing that divides the Government, he stressed. It has also happened with housing, when on Wednesday Sánchez gave a new figure on the houses that he planned to build and “two ministers argued”, one defending the figures and the other “saying that it was a pre-election announcement”.

“Spain does not need to hear again any unfulfilled promise from Sánchez, nor copy the positions of ERC or Bildu”, stressed the president of the PP, and for this reason “in the face of Sánchez’s smoke” he explained his proposals, starting from a base, that the housing problem “is not easy nor can it be resolved in one day”, and for this reason it proposes a great state pact between parties, but above all between administrations, since they are all involved, and only in this way will it be possible on public land to build public housing and cap the rent, to place it at 40% of the rental price on the market.

But it was not the only pact proposed by Feijóo. Also a great pact for water, which includes saving Doñana “which cannot be touched”, he insisted, but which requires that the infrastructure promised five years ago by the Sánchez government be fulfilled, “instead of blaming Juanma Moreno and the Junta de Andalucía, and instead of “pitting communities against each other, the Government with Autonomous Communities, farmers, and citizens”.