Things get complicated for the American actor and singer Drake Bell, star of the legendary Nickelodeon series Drake

Bell returned unharmed several hours later, even allowing himself the luxury of joking about his disappearance on Twitter, claiming that he had left his phone in the abandoned vehicle that the police had found. However, the reasons for his disappearance could have triggered another complication in his life, since his wife and mother of his only child has requested a divorce.

As reported by the TMZ portal, the actor’s wife for four years, Janet Von Schmeling, mother of his only child, has filed a divorce petition for the actor in court.

As reported by the documents to which the aforementioned portal has been able to access, Bell’s still wife confirms that they had been separated since last September, and cites “irreconcilable differences” as the reason for requesting the dissolution of their marriage. The mother of one-year-old Wyatt, Bell’s only child, requests full custody of the child, in addition to financial compensation. Despite requesting physical and legal custody of the couple’s son, she also requests visitation for her still-husband.

The reasons that would have led the actor’s still wife to file for divorce are unknown, but her disappearance seems to be the trigger for her to finish making her decision. As is known so far, the actor would have disappeared a week ago, threatening to take his own life according to the family member that he alerted the authorities, precisely because of conflicts over the custody of little Wyatt.

Despite the speculation generated in the press around the world, Bell has not given more details about what happened and the alarm generated, nor has the Police.

This is not the first problem that the singer also has with the law, as he was sentenced in 2021 to two years of probation after pleading guilty to two crimes against minors.

In addition, he also has other convictions for driving under the influence of alcohol in 2015 in his criminal history. As if that were not enough, in 2020, his then-girlfriend Melissa Lingafelt accused him on social networks of physical abuse and sexual abuse for as long as it lasted. their relationship, from 2006 to 2008 -something that the actor flatly denied.