The labor reform, approved at the beginning of 2022, changed the hiring landscape in Spain. The text was characterized by two novelties: the presumption of the indefinite character in the contracting and the disappearance of the contract for work and service. After the limitations on temporality, many companies are choosing to use the training contract in alternation. But, what does this type of contract consist of?
In accordance with the provisions of article 11.2 of the Workers’ Statute, the purpose of the alternating training contract is to make a paid work activity compatible with the training processes. This may be formalized for a minimum duration of 3 months and a maximum of 2 years.
“When the new reform was approved, and with the elimination of the well-known work and service contract, temporary contracts were limited, so the alternating training contract is a refuge for temporary hiring,” explains LuÃs Guillén, Director of Consulting in Help T Pymes.
Even so, the expert maintains that the final goal is always permanent hiring: “An extension can be made until the degree, certificate, accreditation or diploma is obtained, but without this exceeding the maximum duration, two years. After this period, the employer will have to make the worker indefinite or terminate the employment relationship.
With this hiring modality, young people in training are one of the great beneficiaries. “With this contract we motivate the young sap to continue developing in a subject for which they lacked training, while they acquire professional practice, offering greater job opportunities accompanied by an improvement in professional qualification,” says Guillén.
The Consulting Director of Ayuda T Pymes explains that those hired have the same rights as other workers. In addition, for him this modality is a solution to curb the youth unemployment rate.
It is important to remember that this contract also has its own peculiarities: “Those hired do not have a trial period, they cannot do overtime or complementary hours and they cannot do night work, among others,” Guillén argues.
But young people are not only the beneficiaries; companies also get their own advantages. “With these training contracts, companies have the ability to obtain the qualified personnel they need without the need to hire them permanently while they continue to learn,” explains Guillén.
Some of the direct benefits that companies can obtain are:
To find out all the requirements and information about this contracting modality, we can review the SEPE website.