The Mona Lisa continues to be one of the most enigmatic paintings in the world. The latest discovery occurred this Wednesday when an Italian expert identified the bridge that Leonardo da Vinci represented in the background of his famous painting. The historian Silvano Vinceti affirms, has affirmed that it is the Romito bridge, located in the town of Laterina, a Tuscan town in the province of Arezzo.

“This is the Etruscan-Roman Romito bridge, also known as Ponte di Valle, located in the municipality of Laterina in the province of Arezzo,” Vinceti explained. The investigator has confirmed the location after conducting a study of historical documents, drone images, and comparing painting and photographs in the area.

The key to discover where the landscape was located has been the bridge that is identified on the side of the painting. The most revealing detail has been the number of arches: the bridge in the painting had four arches, like Romito’s. Thus, the other two most recognized theses that located the landscape in Buriano and Bobbio are discarded. The first has six arches and the second more than six.

“Today only one arch of the bridge remains, but in the period between 1501 and 1503 the bridge was in operation and was very busy,” said the Italian historian.

The relief of the terrain also corresponds to what Leonardo portrayed to the left of the famous woman. Unlike this one, the other two architectural structures are located on level ground.

Specialists have also made use of new technologies to find the place. They have virtually reconstructed the bridge and the section where it is located and have highlighted the strong similarity with the portrait. Likewise, the number of arches and their shape also agree.

Vinceti has expressed the relationship that Leonardo had with the place. “Significantly, there are also historical documents that certify that Leonardo often resided in Fiesole at that time, with an uncle who was a priest, called Amadori or Amadoro.”

It is not Vinceti’s first statement about the painting. Previously, the historian stated that Leonardo used a male and a female model in the portrait. Just as he theorized that the key to solving the Mona Lisa’s riddles was in his eyes.