There is not a day that passes in the already canceled Save me that a new controversy does not arise. This time it was Kiko Matamoros who, in last Tuesday’s edition, pointed directly to Makoke and two other people who denounced him “for threats” in 2021. Despite his next link with Marta López, his life does not seem to remain calm. With the words “I’m going to drag you to court, let you know”, the collaborator added another piece to the scuffle with his ex-wife, who has been winding up for more than two years.

Matamoros revealed in the program the complaint received on March 6, 2021, after having claimed to have “forty aces” in the form of “two hours of recordings” against his former partner. After going to the police station and being released by the Superior Police Chief of Madrid, the case was left in the hands of the Prosecutor’s Office with the added tranquility of his legal team: “My lawyer tells me to be positive and optimistic, he sees no matter there not at all”.

In the same appearance where he revealed this detail, Matamoros reiterated that he had never threatened anyone, insisting that he was the victim of repeated threats on television. Likewise, he lamented the forms used for this latest attack: “I am very outraged that certain things and means are used to take personal revenge.”

The commentator also announced his request to the Prosecutor’s Office to request that the case be dismissed. His statements are already in the hands of the authorities, but he stressed that he recently received “calls”, “pressure” and “bribery attempts” to ignore his words. Hence his striking comment, willing to take the three people who have put him in such a complicated situation to court.

Makoke’s reasons for being upset with her ex-husband are several, but Matamoros himself confessed the most blatant in Sálvame just a few days ago. According to his words, during her relationship with the tertullian he had relations with another woman, whose identity is unknown, but to whom he has dedicated a tattoo. “She says that I got married in love. I didn’t get married in love. The same day I got married, I had been with another lady with whom I had a relationship.”

The news left the collaborator of the Mediaset “Fiesta” program on the ground. “It’s just that I think there are no words. It’s being portrayed, I don’t know … My family doesn’t deserve this, I can’t tell you more. It’s very ugly …”, she said to Emma’s questions Garcia. Not content with that, she also received new darts from his ex-partner when he and his future wife were preparing to spend a few days in Morocco. For the moment, this storm continues unabated.