After a month of April marked by the absence of rain and high temperatures, May so far has been marked by instability. Last weekend certain areas registered heavy rains and a general drop in temperatures, especially in the northeast of the peninsula.

According to the forecasts made public in the last hours by the State Meteorological Agency (Aemet), the instability will continue in the coming days and will even increase as of Wednesday, May 17, due to the entry of a DANA (Isolated Depression at High Levels). .

As usual, this meteorological phenomenon, which occurs when a mass of cold air in height collides with warm air on the surface, will favor the formation of storms, which can be locally strong.

The DANA, more popularly known as cold drop, will mainly affect the southwestern part of the Peninsula, leaving some showers, as well as a drop in thermometers of up to seven degrees in communities such as Andalusia, Ceuta and Melilla.

The territorial delegate of the Aemet in Andalusia, Ceuta and Melilla, Juan de Dios del Pino, explained that the DANA “will also be able to leave, during the day on Wednesday, possible storms accompanied by hail in Ceuta, Melilla and the province of Cádiz, mostly”.

The announced depression will land in Spain as of today, Tuesday, although its effects can be felt mainly in areas such as Andalusia, Extremadura and Castilla La Mancha on Wednesday, May 17. Looking ahead to Thursday, this phenomenon can extend to the north and also to the eastern part of Andalusia.

As Del Pino has pointed out, as of Thursday these showers “can spread to the north of the region, affecting other inland provinces, especially in the mountain area.” “As the week progresses, this DANA will move towards eastern Andalusia, while the western one will be released,” said the person in charge of Aemet.

Finally, long-term forecasts indicate that this DANA could be located as of Friday in the northwest of the peninsula, leaving heavy rains in Catalonia, the Balearic Islands and part of the peninsula.