The struggle to wield the independence flag between Junts per Catalunya and Esquerra Republicana has come to stay in the final stretch of the campaign for the municipal elections on May 28, especially in places far from the Catalan capital such as Girona -where the shadow of expresident Carles Puigdemont is elongated– or Manresa, places where the national axis continues to be key, as much or more than management.

The general secretary of JxCat, Jordi Turull, has demanded this Monday in Girona, alluding to the socialists, that on Sunday “the polls be filled with Junts votes” because “it is the best message to those who are obsessed with stopping the president Puigdemont”. “The Socialists want subjects at the service of the master, who is more concerned with stopping Puigdemont than with finishing the N-II highway or fixing the problems of Rodalies,” denounced the post-convergent leader, who has claimed that Girona is “spearhead ” to “culminate” independence.

The candidate, ex-councillor Gemma Geis, in turn, has claimed the city as a “beacon towards independence” and “as the emotional capital of independence”. “We cannot allow Pedro Sánchez to say in Europe on May 28 that independence is over because they won in Girona,” he remarked.

“If we want a pro-independence mayor, we vote for the pro-independence candidate, Gemma Geis”, said the still mayor of the city and JxCat deputy, Marta Madrenas, who has attributed to her partner the “only transformative project” for Girona. and he explained that he “hallucinated” with the words of Oriol Junqueras, president of ERC, in his city about the independence commitment of Junts.

Likewise, Turull has warned of the possibility that the Republicans ally with other forces –PSC and Guanyem, the local brand of the CUP– to evict the post-convergents from the City Council. “They are capable of putting water and oil together by vision of the match”, warned Turull, who also pointed out that “what motivates some of them the most is saying that they have won in the city of Puigdemont”. “When they are together they don’t know what to do and paralysis and decline come,” warned the leader of Junts.

Since Puigdemont took over the mayoralty in 2011, the convergent space, first, and the post-convergent ones, later, have led the Consistory in a city where the Catalan socialists had governed without interruption since 1979, for 23 years with the now Minister Joaquim Nadal, who was in the PSC.

Geis, in his speech, has called for a “strong” government in Girona so that there is no “blockade”. “I promise to govern with proximity, exclusivity, empathy and great sensitivity”, he promised. The former president Puigdemont has also intervened with a video, who has highlighted the “renewal” and “leadership” that Geis brings to the Junts project in Girona and has highlighted his commitment to the city.