In the electoral manual, in the final stretch of the campaign, there is always an appeal to the undecided voter, to those who have doubts. And that is what Junts per Catalunya has done this Sunday with the axiom “good government and independence” as a claim, in the general closing ceremony of this electoral race, in which it has also asked the “disaffected” for a vote of confidence. and the “disenchanted”, with a preventive message against abstention.

It has been in Vic (Osona), a stronghold of the convergent and post-convergent space in which the current mayor, Anna Erra, vice president of the formation and deputy of the Parliament, does not repeat as a candidate and hands over the baton to Albert Castells, for whom she has requested the vote and “no experiments” on Sunday.

Erra, who has governed with an absolute majority in her second term, has been the first to intervene on the stage of the El Sucre auditorium, the stage chosen in the second instance and at the last minute due to the weather, due to the rain. But the first ovation of the afternoon has been for the illustrator Pilarin Bayés, who closes the list in the municipality.

Josep Rull, president of the national council, has indicated that his formation has “the heartbeat of political Catalanism and the independence movement”, which, as he has pointed out, knows that “it is more important to add than to subtract and that it is better to build than destroy”.

The Secretary General, Jordi Turull, has pulled on that thread and has pointed out that “political Catalanism, independence and sovereignty are the engine of the country.” Only this movement, he has assured, “can act as a revulsion” to recover “the best version” of Catalonia.

After a new day with incidents in Rodalies, and with the visit of Pedro Sánchez tomorrow Friday to Barcelona and Tarragona to put the finishing touch to the PSC campaign, the formation has once again charged against the Socialists for the problems of the trains Renfe, one of the most exploited issues in this campaign.

“Pedro Sánchez is coming, but surely he will not come to Rodalies, because he would not arrive on time”, Turull ironized, adding that “he will come to promise I don’t know what and to ask for the vote”. “What you have to do is come to Catalonia to apologize for Rodalies, for the investment deception, for the persecution and repression, for the management of the drought, and because you look the other way when the UN or the Council of Europe say that rights are being stepped on”, he concluded. “And for the espionage with Pegasus”, the general secretary of JxCat finished off just after, who accused the president of the central government of wanting “subjects”. “We are not subjects, we are citizens who want to exercise our sovereignty”, he has sentenced.

With the intention of warning of the risks of demobilization, Turull has warned that “even now with the progressive government, someone may think that something has changed.” “And nothing has changed,” he added.

The spokesperson for Democrates de Catalunya, Antoni Castellà – whose deputy credential to replace Laura Borràs in the parliamentary group has already been issued as the next candidate on the JxCat list – also spoke at the rally, and stressed that the “ formula for success is simple”: “good governance and independence”. His formation has agreed with Junts in various municipalities, including Barcelona, ​​and Castellà has claimed that the post-convergent force is the formation that embodies the spirit of Junts pel Sí and “the only one” that continues to be “incorruptibly loyal to 1-O ”.

Castellà has also called for “a great tramuntanada to take away bad governments and resignations”, attributes that he has dedicated to Esquerra Republicana. “We have a political, historical and ethical responsibility to lead a great counter-offensive in the national liberation process, out of respect for the people who voted for 1-O and defended the ballot box with their bodies, those who suffered reprisals and exile”, he concluded. .

The president of the formation, Laura Borràs, like Turull, has warned of the risk of abstention in the pro-sovereignty ranks and has indicated that ERC “only talks about independence now, at the end” of the 28-M race. “And they do it late and badly. They want to talk about the republican future, the hypothetical future, because 1-O for them is in the past. Their present is that of a minority, incompetent and resigned Government”, the leader has sentenced, who has recalled that the president Pere Aragonès said in the investiture debate that “independence would culminate”. “But he must have meant that he would strike her down,” she added.

Junts held the final rally this Thursday with the main leaders of the party so that everyone can put the tie to the municipal campaign in their towns and cities. The four candidates from the provincial capitals, Xavier Trias, Toni Postius, Jordi Sendra and Gemma Geis have intervened through a recorded video message, as has the former president Carles Puigdemont, who has been the protagonist when the sentence was announced halfway through of the General Court of the European Union (TGUE) on his immunity will be known on July 5.