You have to trust the Spanish democratic system and the electoral system, but Sánchez must explain himself. Alberto Núñez Feijóo spoke yesterday, for the first time, on the cases of alleged purchase of votes by mail in Melilla, Mojácar and Murcia. The first affects the Coalition for Melilla and the second the PSOE.

First in Valencia and then in Murcia, the last region dotted with these alleged frauds, Feijóo spoke of the “seriousness of the facts”, but showed his confidence in the State Security Forces and Corps, in judges and prosecutors, to guarantee the fairness of the electoral process, and asked all citizens to “go en masse to vote” on Sunday, with confidence in Spanish democracy and in the Spanish electoral system, “to demonstrate that democracy cannot be bought and votes They are neither bought nor rented”.

He did it so that the validity of the elections is not questioned, despite the known scandals, and so that these events do not demotivate people, at a time when for the PP every last vote is very important.

He accompanied his messages, of an institutional tone, with summons to the PSOE and Pedro Sánchez. The first, “do not hide, do not disappear, clarify what is happening, and make the appropriate decisions.”

For the PP these decisions are clear. Regarding the Coalition for Melilla, now break the government agreement in Melilla, even if there are 48 hours left, and a commitment that it will not agree again with “repeated parties”. And with respect to the PSOE, open an internal investigation in the PSOE of Andalusia, which assesses the removal of Mojácar from the PSOE list “and does the same in all the affected towns.”

The closing of the campaign is not what Feijóo expected due to these events. He wanted to talk about the economy and he did it yesterday, like the day before yesterday, but with little success today. The president of the PP, despite this, outlined “the measures of change” that he proposes, and that in the economic field, in which he has the greatest impact, involve lowering the personal income tax rate, aid to deal with the rise in mortgages and a subsidy of 80 euros per month to the self-employed whose income does not reach the minimum interprofessional salary monthly.